Elect a real Pro-Life judge, Reeve Jackson, for 114th District Court in Smith County July 6, 2020 Jackson Milton Off 2020 ElectionNews The judiciary is commonly conceived as a kind of super-legislature, a tribunal of omniscient individuals...
Replace corruption with a courageous Pro-Life Republican, Cody Vasut July 6, 2020 Jackson Milton Off 2020 ElectionNews In 2019, the Texas House failed to pass bills that banned any abortions, even late-term....
Elect grassroots champion Matt Morgan for House District 26 July 6, 2020 Jackson Milton Off 2020 ElectionNews Without activists like you, Texas would have no Pro-Life victories. Weak politicians try to maintain...
Radical pro-abortion group EMILY’s list endorses three Democrats in swing districts June 18, 2020 Jackson Milton 1 2020 ElectionNews Radical pro-abortion political action committee EMILY’s List recently announced their endorsements of several first-term Democratic...
Jennifer Fleck is the proven Pro-Life conservative for HD 47 June 18, 2020 Jackson Milton Off 2020 ElectionCandidate SpotlightEndorsementsNews As it currently stands, Texas is only the 17th most Pro-Life state in the country....
2020 State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) Endorsements June 3, 2020 Jackson Milton Off 2020 Election 2020 State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) Endorsements Office Name SREC Senate District 3 Maureen...
Replace radicalism with a Pro-Life advocate in SD 14 May 28, 2020 Jackson Milton Off 2020 ElectionNews An Austin-area district has been under the control of a radical democrat who has been...
Vote for Chris Putnam for Congress, kick out pro-abortion Kay Granger January 24, 2020 Jackson Milton Off 2020 ElectionNews Recently, Congresswoman Kay Granger (R-Fort Worth) falsely claimed she is endorsed by Texas Right to...
Friday: Let’s send a fighter to Austin January 15, 2020 Jackson Milton Off 2020 ElectionTexas Right To Life.com Pro-Life Texans like you fuel the movement to protect and defend the most vulnerable in...
Texas Right to Life PAC Endorsement Process October 3, 2019 Jackson Milton Off 2020 ElectionNewsTexas Right To Life.com Every candidate for public office must undergo Texas Right to Life PAC's endorsement review process...