Elect grassroots champion Matt Morgan for House District 26
Without activists like you, Texas would have no Pro-Life victories. Weak politicians try to maintain their power by ignoring abortion, and they’ve plummeted Texas to the 17th most Pro-Life state. Only you can make them listen and protect Life. Elect outsider candidate Matt Morgan as state representative in the Sugar Land and Richmond area.
Pro-Life Republicans flooded the polls to vote for Matt Morgan in the March Primary, earning more votes than any other candidate. But Matt didn’t buy his way there (he was outspent 5 to 1 by opponent Jacey Jetton). Matt worked hard to earn your trust; his hard work, determination, and willingness to visit as many voters as possible made conservatives recognize his heart for this community.
Jacey Jetton, however, has found allies in powerful political and lobby groups from Austin, including the Associated Republicans of Texas (whose leaders donate to Democrats), the Texas Medical Association, the fake Pro-Life group “Texas Alliance for Life,” and a host of other organizations in the Austin establishment. Each of these block Pro-Life measures in their election endorsements and lobbying in the Capitol. Jetton’s association with them should give pause to any Pro-Life voter in the Texas House.
Matt Morgan has consistently articulated his faith, which drives his campaign and his life. Flowing from his faith is his deep commitment to defending innocent human Life from conception to natural death. Matt has made clear his belief that all Republicans must prioritize their Pro-Life beliefs. Too often, Republican politicians abandon their Pro-Life “convictions” for access to large checks, country clubs, and power in Austin. Matt will stay true to your values.
For state representative, the choice is clear: a candidate funded by establishment forces or a candidate powered by your community. Matt Morgan can bring authentic conservative change to the Texas House. And preborn children and vulnerable patients, who so desperately deserve a Pro-Life Texas House, will be protected if Matt Morgan is elected. Vote for him for House District 26 on July 14.
Tags: 2020 election, pro-life