Friday: Let’s send a fighter to Austin

Pro-Life Texans like you fuel the movement to protect and defend the most vulnerable in our state.  You give time and resources to electing qualified Pro-Life candidates. Democrats are looking to flip the Texas House blue this year, impeding all Pro-Life progress on the state level. Electing dynamic and principled Pro-Life leaders has never been more important. 

With the primaries less than 2 months away, now is the time to step up for preborn babies and vulnerable patients! Right now, supporting Claver Kamau-Imani is the best way to build the Pro-Life movement.  Claver is a committed, principled Pro-Life leader, whom Texas Right to Life has proudly endorsed for House District 138. He is a faithful and devoted Christian pastor who will bring his unwavering values to the Texas Capitol.  And he needs YOUR help.

As with any candidate for public office, financial support is crucial to secure representation for Pro-Life Texans.  Generous supporters of Claver from across the state are hosting a meet and greet fundraiser to send him to Austin, and we invite you to join us!  Here are the details:

When: Friday, January 17 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Where: 26807 Twilight Grove Lane, Cypress, Texas

Why: To send your Pro-Life values to the Texas Capitol and keep Texas red

RSVP to Barbara Kamau-Imani at 281-795-2406.

Jim Graham, President of Texas Right to Life, will be speaking and sharing why this race is critical for Life in Texas.  The Pro-Life movement needs Claver in Austin.

You will have the chance to personally meet Claver and share with him your message and concerns as a Pro-Life Texan.  Your committed support for Pro-Life candidates in Texas is necessary now more than ever. We look forward to seeing you there! 

If you are unable to attend, please consider generously donating to Claver at


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