Replace corruption with a courageous Pro-Life Republican, Cody Vasut
In 2019, the Texas House failed to pass bills that banned any abortions, even late-term. Dennis Bonnen, who is the disgraced retiring House speaker, and his cronies killed all significant Pro-Life bills. Bonnen has now had to retire over a quid pro quo scandal. Now, running to replace Bonnen as Brazoria County state representative is Cody Vasut, who wants to restore honor not only to the community but also to the Texas House.
Listed first among Cody Vasut’s legislative priorities is his commitment to defending innocent human Life. He states,
“Every human being is made in the image of God and has inherent dignity and immeasurable worth from the moment of conception. I believe acts like abortion and euthanasia are an affront to the dignity of human Life. If elected, I will author legislation to abolish abortion and overturn Roe v. Wade, which is a legislative priority of the Republican Party of Texas.”
In the Capitol, preborn children have been betrayed by the very people who publicly swear to protect them. Many Republicans, fixated on power and influence, abandon their principles; Pro-Life values are usually the first to go. Cody Vasut agrees that this is abhorrent, and that the Right to Life should be paramount.
Meanwhile, Cody Vasut’s opponent, Ro’vin Garret, does NOT want to protect all preborn children. She believes in loopholes that Texas Republicans condemn, like late-term abortions on babies because they have a disability. The Pro-Life movement cannot accept this push anywhere, especially in a conservative state like Texas.
Electing a conservative Pro-Life champion in Brazoria County will not only represent a symbolic victory but one with tangible results in the Capitol. With so many Republicans abandoning their Pro-Life convictions, voters like you need someone you can trust. On July 14, vote for Cody Vasut for House District 25.
Tags: 2020 election, pro-life