Re-Elect Pro-Life Champion Stephanie Klick to the Texas House

Texas needs representatives who not only run on Pro-Life promises, but follow through with these commitments when they arrive at the Capitol in Austin. Representative Stephanie Klick (R–Fort Worth) is a shining example of an elected official who puts her words into action. Representative Klick has consistently led in the Pro-Life fight, protecting preborn children, pregnant mothers, and vulnerable patients. 

As chairwoman of the House Committee on Public Health, Representative Klick has consistently prioritized important Pro-Life legislation, such as the Texas Heartbeat Act and the state’s abortion ban that took effect after Roe v. Wade was overturned. With her leadership, the Public Health Committee has never been an obstacle for Pro-Life bills, unlike many other committees in the Capitol. 

For the 2023 legislative session, Representative Klick was named Pro-Life Champion and earned the Steadfast Leadership Award. She spearheaded the session’s greatest Pro-Life victory for vulnerable hospital patients in decades. Since 1999, Texas patients have been victimized by the anti-Life 10-Day Rule, which allows hospitals to unilaterally remove basic life-sustaining treatment from patients against their will and with only 10 days’ notice, causing or hastening the patient’s death. 

Representative Klick has been passionate about this issue even before she served in the Texas House. Passing this legislation through both chambers and to the governor’s desk took months of diligent work even before session began. She worked tirelessly to return medical decision-making rights to patients and their families and extend the countdown to 25 days. 

With Representative Klick in the Texas House, we can count on Pro-Life issues remaining a top priority. 

Texas needs her back in Austin to continue leading the charge in defending Life! Klick is a fervent, reliable Pro-Life voice in the Texas Capitol, and her courage in the House has led to many significant Pro-Life victories during her tenure.

Vote Pro-Life for Stephanie Klick in the Republican Primary Runoff to keep saving lives! Early voting runs May 20 – May 24, and Election Day is May 28. 

Get the Pro-Life Voter Guide here and bring it with you to the polls.

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