TRTL legislative director tweets from Austin sonogram law hearing

Texas Right to Life's legislative director, John Seago, tweeted live during what should be the last hearing in the federal Austin district court on the constitutionality of the Texas Sonogram Law.






ICYMI: Judge Sparks was very hesitant today when CRR asked 4 another ruling attacking Tx #prolife Sonogram Law. 5th Circuit tied his hands.





So seems like there will not be any more serious challenges to Tx #prolife Sonogram Law from Sparks' fed district court.





Also, my #prochoice taxi driver just told us the Tx Sonogram Law seems like a good idea. #winning





And that's it's. Seemingly defeated Sparks closes hearing by saying he'll consider arguments in filing & see if he has something 2 rule on.





Tx Solicitor General requesting that the court rule on numerous other arguments originally filed by CRR 2 keep more lawsuits from rising.





Sparks said he will release a final decision soon even though it's going to straight to 5th Circuit and he's hands are really tied.





Sparks: The 5th Circuit's ruling didn't even touch the arguments I wrote on. The panel concluded in favor, but it wasn't a rebuttal.





Sparks 2 CRR: I still want u 2 tell me what u want me 2 do. The higher courts already said the law can b enforcd just 2 keep me from acting.





CRR argues that 5th Circuit & State interpretation of Law are not consistent. Thus Sparks needs to clarify how the law should be followed.





Sparks seems very hesitant & worried to take a position in contradiction to higher court. Perhaps he sees the case as already over.





CRR arguing that all facts were not considered by higher court and they want Sparks to say the law violates Casey in contra to 5th circuit.





Sparks: You're focusing on arguments that have already been answered by 5th Circuit. Why are u riding a dead horse?





Sparks: 5th Circuit has tied my hands, they barely handled your arguments, but they've ruled.





CRR will focus entire case against Sonogram Law now on vagueness & 1st Amend arguments.





Plaintiffs (CRR) open their arguments with an update on recent request 2 take out certain arguments from their lawsuit.





In the courtroom now. We'll hear arguments & try 2 figure out how Sparks will try 2 attack the TX #prolife Sonogram law next.





'State's interest in respect 4 life is advancd by dialogue that better informs medical profession, expectant mothers & society as a whole.'

8 hours ago


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