San Antonio: Vote for Marc LaHood for State Rep.

Marc LaHood: San Antonio’s Clear Choice for Pro-Life voters!

Republicans in San Antonio have a crucial decision to make in the race for state representative. Marc LaHood is the strongest Pro-Life candidate to represent your community!

LaHood is 100% Pro-Life!

Meanwhile, your current representative, Steve Allison, does not believe all babies should be protected from elective abortion.

The Pro-Life cause is personal to Marc LaHood, since he adopted his eldest daughter.

Steve Allison, unfortunately, has shied away from Pro-Life values during his three-term tenure in Austin.

Allison even publicly declared he would vote to expand abortion in Texas by adding dangerous loopholes to our laws.

Marc LaHood’s Pro-Life stance establishes him as the clear choice over the incumbent.

LaHood promises a leadership that will fight for your community’s principles.

San Antonio has the chance to elect a representative whose values and actions align with their Pro-Life beliefs.

Vote Pro-Life for Marc LaHood! Early voting is February 20 – March 1, and Election Day is March 5.

Get the Pro-Life Voter Guide here and bring it with you to the polls.

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