Coastal Bend: Vote AJ Louderback!
Republicans in Victoria, Bay City, Cuero, and Shiner have the opportunity to elect a solid Pro-Life conservative as state representative: AJ Louderback!
With deep roots in the Coastal Bend and over forty years in law enforcement, Louderback is committed to keeping your community safe and upholding your Pro-Life values.
Louderback has a long record of service, leadership, and experience in the conservative movement.
He was in charge of legislation for the Sheriffs’ Association of Texas. He is poised to use his background in politics to pass Pro-Life bills that will save babies and protect patients.
Louderback is 100% Pro-Life. He opposes the radical abortion agenda and promises to defend innocent children.
Louderback’s advocacy for the most vulnerable among us speaks volumes about his character and priorities.
AJ Louderback is the top candidate for state representative for his:
✅ Steadfast conservative values;
✅ Unwavering Pro-Life beliefs; and
✅ Experienced leadership.
Vote Pro-Life for AJ Louderback! Early voting is February 20 – March 1, and Election Day is March 5.
Get the Pro-Life Voter Guide here and bring it with you to the polls.