Representative Spitzer: True to his word

Texas Right to Life is privileged to work with Dr. Stuart Spitzer (R-Kaufman) and his Capitol staff.  Often, many freshmen representatives mistakenly believe they have little voice to influence their colleagues and the course of public policy.  Luckily for the most vulnerable in Texas, Dr. Spitzer refused to remain silent.

A revealing moment among elected Republicans came while debating the value of a preborn baby's Life who is suspected of being less than perfect.  These defenseless Lives should be protected, not “terminated.”  Representative Matt Schaefer (R-Tyler) offered an amendment to close loopholes in current law that allow the abortion of babies with suspected fetal abnormalities.

Another member of the State House who is a doctor and a Republican-In-Name-Only (RINO), spewed on the House floor that disabled babies are “a situation” to be “dealt with.”  Dr. Spitzer was shocked at the cavalier and cold tone used by his colleague— a colleague in both the medical field and in the legislature—to describe these precious babies.

In rebuttal, Dr. Spitzer stood against the caustic rhetoric of the anti-Life Republican, making sure the last word was not that of a doctor with Nazi-like sentiments.  Dr. Spitzer compassionately and courageously shared from his heart about the inherent Right to Life bestowed at conception.  He used his experiences as a physician to plead for children with a perceived disability rather than the expeditious destruction of their tiny, vulnerable Lives.

Texas needs more men and women to serve in Austin who are devoted to the defense of Life.  Dr. Spitzer’s demonstrated commitment to protecting the Lives of vulnerable preborn babies is to be commended and applauded.

Your Pro-Life views, and those of House District 4, are well-represented by Dr. Spitzer in the Texas House.  On behalf of Texas Right to Life, we thank you for sending Dr. Spitzer to Austin to stand as an unwavering champion for Life!

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