You Can Help Elect These Boldly Pro-Life Women to Defend Life

Election season is here again. With a large number of strong conservative leaders, including many dynamic Pro-Life women, Texas is ready to become even more Pro-Life and pro-woman than ever before! 

This election cycle, Texas Right to Life has endorsed many bold Republican women from all over Texas, running for the state House and Senate. Among these brave candidates are Ellen Troxclair (House District 19), Terri Leo Wilson (HD 23), Janie Lopez (HD 37), Caroline Harris (HD 52), Carrie Isaac (HD 73), Michelle Evans (HD 136), Kay Smith (HD 148), and Julie Dahlberg (Senate District 21). 

These Pro-Life leaders need YOUR vote to defend Life at the Capitol in the next legislative session this Spring!

Ellen Troxclair (HD 19) was the youngest woman to ever serve on the Austin City Council and boldly advocated for Pro-Life conservative values in the face of extremist abortion opposition in Austin. Despite being outnumbered, Troxclair proved that she would speak up for the preborn, even when she stood alone against intense opposition. On the Austin City Council Troxclair proved herself true to her convictions. Now, we look forward to Troxclair continuing her legacy of advocating for Life, this time in the Texas House!

In the Galveston area, Terri Leo Wilson (HD 23) is also ready to boldly defend Life. After gaining experience working on the State Republican Executive Committee, she has a proven record of standing for families and innocent children. Wilson has dedicated her entire career to helping and working with children with special needs. Vulnerable Texas children and families will be much better off having this bold advocate voting on the House floor.

Janie Lopez’s (HD 37) parents legally migrated to the United States from Mexico to pursue the American dream for their family. Lopez made this dream a reality, spending her life serving and helping those in need, particularly those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. When she is elected she will take her responsibility to represent the people of Willacy and Cameron Counties seriously, protecting the American dream for future generations by defending Life from fertilization to natural death. 

Caroline Harris (HD 52) has been working for Pro-Life champion Senator Bryan Hughes, and is now running to represent her home district in the Texas House. While working for Senator Hughes, Harris diligently helped advance several life-saving bills, including the historic Texas Heartbeat Act. Harris is a strong conservative leader and she will no doubt continue to be a bold champion for Life as a state representative!

Carrie Isaac (HD 73), running in the hill country, has unequivocally announced, “I will unapologetically fight for an unborn child’s right to life!” As a wife, mother, and fourth generation Texan, she is passionate about preserving our Texas values. When Covid-19 hit Isaac’s community, she took it upon herself to raise funds to provide her community’s local nursing homes with critical supplies. When elected, Isaac will continue to stand for Life.

In Williamson County, Michelle Evans (HD 136) is running to continue her advocacy for the preborn and the medically vulnerable. Evans’ daughter was born with a rare genetic disorder, spurring this mother to tirelessly advocate for her daughter and other children with disabilities at the Texas Capitol. Her opponent, Planned Parenthood-endorsed incumbent Democrat John Bucy III, has scored 0% every year on the Pro-Life Scorecard. Michelle Evans will ALWAYS vote for Life!

In Harris County, Kay Smith (HD 148) has long been actively working to defend Life with grassroots organizations and living out her Pro-Life convictions by serving as a foster mom to two children. Smith’s opponent, incumbent Democrat Penny Morales-Shaw, voted anti-Life at every turn and is endorsed by Planned Parenthood.

Down in south Texas, Julie Dahlberg (SD 21) is running to represent family values and protect our children from the radical Left’s anti-Life agenda. While she celebrates the end of Roe v. Wade, Dahlberg knows our work to defend Life is not over. In her own words; “There is still work to do to ensure our baby Texans’ life is acknowledged and protected. My goal is to introduce legislation that removes the bureaucracy and high cost of private adoptions, bypassing the system of foster care that has historically been mismanaged and not what is in the best interest of children.” Texas needs Dahlberg’s voice as a Pro-Life, Republican woman in the state Senate. 

We need YOUR help to send these strong Pro-Life women to the Texas Capitol so they can defend Life from fertilization until natural death! 

While we rejoice over the victories of the Texas Heartbeat Act and the end of Roe v. Wade, we know that our work to make Texas a truly Pro-Life state is only just beginning. 

If one of these Pro-Life women are running in your district, please take advantage of the opportunity to vote for an unwaveringly Pro-Life Republican! 

Wherever you live, make sure to vote for Life, to guarantee Texas continues to LEAD the nation in defending the vulnerable!  

Early voting is October 24-November 4 and Election Day is November 8. 

Print and pass out the Pro-Life Voter Guide to your friends, to help make sure these women and other strong Pro-Life candidates are elected! 

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