September 1st Texas Right to Life to host interactive, Pro-Life Online Townhall meeting

On Tuesday, Texas Right to Life’s first Pro-Life Online Townhall meeting will bring together state and community leaders and Pro-Life champions to discuss the current status of Texas’ multi-faceted investigation into Planned Parenthood.

Texas Right to Life invites all Texans to participate in our first ever interactive Pro-Life Online Townhall.  Our goal is to inform and empower Texans through the Pro-Life Online Townhall, connecting Pro-Life advocates with their elected officials and community leaders in order to put an end to Planned Parenthood’s atrocities as a united movement.

Since mid-July, Planned Parenthood has been exposed right here in Texas saying and doing some of the most gruesome things that have ever surfaced from the abortion industry in America.  We intend to hold Planned Parenthood accountable – not only for their heinous mistreatment of women’s healthcare and human Life, but also for their callous disregard for Texas and federal law.  The tax-funding of this corrupt industry must end.

During our Pro-Life Online Townhall, Texas officials will share how Planned Parenthood is being held accountable for their actions, and what you can do to help.  Legislative action items will be provided to inform and to equip the Texas Pro-Life community as we confront and defund the evil that has been allowed to fester within Planned Parenthood for far too long.

The Pro-Life Online Townhall is a new media platform for Texas Right to Life, and we are excited to explore the benefits of this medium of communication.  The Townhall will take place on YouTube – simply click the link to be directed to the meeting, which will go live at 7:30 p.m. CST on Tuesday. 

Visit our Facebook event page for more information, and please invite your friends and family to join us!  We invite concerned Texans to visit the Townhall’s YouTube page to submit questions for our guests.  Just click “say something” on the chat sidebar of the page and type your question.  We look forward to meeting with you tomorrow night!

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