Texas Right to Life honored to stand for preborn Life at historic Birmingham March

On Friday and Saturday, Texas Right to Life had the honor of participating in the Mercury One Foundation’s Restoring Unity event in Birmingham, Alabama.  The event, aimed at taking swift and determined action on human rights abuses that are currently underway in our modern world, culminated in an All Lives Matter March through the streets of Birmingham on Saturday.  The March boasted a crowd size rivaled only by that of Dr. Martin Luther King’s Civil Rights march in 1963.  More than 20,000 individuals walked together in solidarity to promote unity and action for victims of today’s atrocities. 

Texas Right to Life stood for preborn children in the All Lives Matter March, giving a voice to the voiceless victims of abortion.  In addition, Texas Right to Life represented the elderly, the disabled, and the vulnerable hospital patients who need our voices more than ever. 

National human rights leaders rallied the thousands of marchers in attendance, including Glenn Beck, Bishop Lowe, Pastor Cruz, Tania Beck, and Dr. Alveda King (niece of MLK).  Chuck Norris was a vocal supporter and participant in the event.

Melissa Conway of Texas Right to Life was present in Birmingham and had the privilege of interacting with these renowned leaders and of sharing the mission and strategy of the Pro-Life movement with many in attendance.  “We pray that the All Lives Matter March brings awareness across this nation to the growing justice and equal rights movement for ALL,” said Conway.  “This includes the protection of rights for the preborn AND the elderly, the strong AND the vulnerable, the healthy AND the infirm, and for ALL Lives regardless of gender, race, or religion.”

The mission of Restoring Unity has only just begun.  Americans are catalyzed like never before to take profound action for the sake of justice.  The most vulnerable among us have no hope but our action—locally, nationally, and internationally.  We look forward to seeing the growth of Mercury One, and we thank Glenn Beck for the opportunity to #Stand4Life in Birmingham.

‪#‎AllLivesMatter  #‎LifeFirst #ProLifeStrong

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