The new Pro-Life Whip of the Texas House of Representatives

With the elevation of Bryan Hughes (R-Mineola) to the Texas Senate, long recognized as the Pro-Life Whip in the Texas House, the position for floor leader on Pro-Life policy was open.

During the 84th Session of the Texas Legislature, freshman legislator Matt Rinaldi (R-Irving) took an active role in using his brilliant legal mind and persuasion skills to help Texas Right to Life achieve life-saving policy victories by amending weaker bills.  Thus, Representative Rinaldi’s strength, dedication, and willingness made him the prime candidate to lead his colleagues on Pro-Life issues.  Representative Rinaldi’s district lies in Dallas County, encompassing the areas of Coppell and Irving.

The responsibility of a Whip is to spearhead policy efforts and ensure all Pro-Life members are aware of important votes and positions.

As the Pro-Life Whip for the 85th Session of the Texas Legislature, Representative Rinaldi played a key role both publicly and behind-the-scenes.  Publicly, Representative Rinaldi negotiated for, filed, and defended a much-needed amendment strengthening a budget prohibition ensuring no taxpayer funds are received by an abortion industry.  During the statewide budget debate on Senate Bill 1, the state budget, in the middle of April, Representative Rinaldi negotiated with both House management and the Democrat caucus to ensure his life-saving amendment was procedurally recognized and brought to the entire Texas House of Representatives for a binding vote.  Because of Representative Rinaldi’s insistence and unwillingness to stand down, the Pro-Life movement in Texas has the strongest tool in the state budget to ensure the abortion industry will not receive state taxpayer funds any more!

Behind the scenes, Representative Rinaldi tirelessly worked to fix troublesome language on other members’ bills dealing with Pro-Life legislation, as well as spearheading amendment strategies used as leverage when House management was trying to kill Pro-Life policies.

Whom one hires as part of his team is always a reflection on the member himself.  Representative Rinaldi’s entire office staff, and his wife Corley, are committed to advancing the cause of Life at every opportunity, and are always a reliable source of assistance to Texas Right to Life.

Pro-Life voters in House District 115 should be proud that their state representative is such an important leader in the Texas House of Representatives.

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