Anonymous account reveals the heartbreak of abortion
In August, an anonymous mother shared the story of her abortion with Elite Daily. The woman entitled her contribution, “You Never Forget: How I feel 9 Months After My Abortion.” Anonymous says that the seven positive pregnancy tests she consulted in disbelief made her feel like “a failure.” She had a contraceptive implant, and resented the level of trust she had placed in the device’s ability to ensure that she would not become pregnant with her boyfriend of fewer than four months.
“I had known in my heart for weeks,” Anonymous says of learning she was pregnant. “The morning sickness, the awful cramps, the terrible tiredness, the awful mood swings, the emotional tears — it all made sense.”
Although Anonymous and her boyfriend felt that abortion was the solution to their problem, the “problem” was cemented in her mind as a very real person. “I couldn’t get over the fact that there was a little creature growing inside me,” she said. “And the idea of killing that — someone who could call me her best friend, confidant, hero, mentor, cheerleader and everything she needed — scared the living daylights out of me.”
The mother then echoed a sentiment oft-repeated by women who sorrowfully recount the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy that ended in abortion: barely able to take care of herself, how was she supposed to take care of a helpless child who depended on her? This fear and feeling of powerlessness pervade the thoughts of women considering abortion. Supporting the idea that they are too weak, too incompetent, and too unprepared to choose Life hardly characterizes the façade that the abortion industry represents ‘women’s empowerment.’ Indeed, abortion conglomerates like Planned Parenthood leach off of mothers’ fear to make sales by encouraging this notion in clients, and withholding information about life-affirming alternatives that would actually empower mothers to confidently carry their children to term.
The failure of the abortion movement toempower is underscored by Anonymous’ tragic admission [emphasis added]: “I wanted that baby,” she says. “But I knew I couldn’t bring something into the world at this moment in time. I wasn’t ready to take care of a little person, my boyfriend and myself.”
Abortion activists insist that every child should be a wanted child, as if this is some kind of altruism towards children and their parents. But abortion proponents hardly back up this stance when they fail the wanting parents of wanted children – not to mention the so-called unwanted – by putting their abortion sales quota above the well-being of patients.
Only in retrospect did Anonymous realize that abortion was not the solution to her unplanned pregnancy. “Could I have handled it?” she asks. “Yes. Would it have been easy? No. Could I have made it work? Yes.” Read Anonymous’ full, heart-wrenching story of her horrific abortion experience and subsequent heartbreak here.