Why Do Political Endorsements Matter?

Special interest organizations spend years building credibility and clout with policymakers.  Such rapport is cultivated by personal relationships, proven effectiveness, and thoughtful dialogue.  When the integrity of an organization is established, the impact can be inestimable.

Busy family lives and work obligations preclude our neighbors, our church friends, those waiting in the car pool line, etc., from paying close attention to candidates seeking to earn the vote of these regular people whose lives will be impacted, if not changed, by policy decisions.  Although elections do earn more attention than the actual legislative sessions in which these candidates eventually serve, the Legislature, the Executive Branch, local judges, and school board trustees are worthy of everyone’s attention and monitoring.  Organizations that focus on advancing certain goals are an effective tool in educating voters who care, but who are also preoccupied.

Political advocacy groups that are engaged in Austin during legislative sessions are able to offer a unique perspective on officeholders and candidates.  These groups strategize and help shape policy and laws on issues ranging from water and school choice to tourism and the arts. Through personal interaction and direct involvement in the legislative process, advocacy groups know which legislators fight for a cause or policy behind closed doors, and which elected officials simply go with the wind.

Thus, for a dedicated organization, political endorsements will reflect a candidate’s character, her passion for the specific issue, and her track record for leading not just when the spotlight is upon her, but even off-camera and behind closed doors.


Preview: Coming soon:  Key Ingredients in an Endorsement You Can Trust: Not All Endorsements Are Created Equal



Photo via Vox Efx/Flickr

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