State representative files Texas Parental Control Accountability Act

From the office of Representative Jeff Leach:

AUSTIN – Today, State Representative Jeff Leach filed House Bill 1057, the Texas Parental Control Accountability Act (TPCAA), empowering families by implementing stronger parental accountability in the classroom during human sexuality instruction in public schools. 

The TPCAA calls for parental written consent in order for Texas public school students to participate in human sexuality instruction from any individual or organization other than a faculty or staff member employed by the school district.  Additionally, the TPCAA bans abortion providers and any individual or entity affiliated with an abortion provider from providing this type of educational instruction or materials in Texas public schools. 


"Our children in public schools should not and must not be exposed to third parties that seek to teach misguided and unreliable sex education in classrooms,” said Representative Leach.  “Additionally, Texas public schools should not be a marketplace for the abortion industry, and Texas taxpayers should not be funding abortion providers' recruiting efforts.  Parents have a right to know when third party groups enter our schools to teach on such a personal and private subject as human sexuality, and ultimately, should have the final say on the instruction provider and content.  This common-sense legislation promotes parental control and accountability in the classroom.” 


Joint Authors of the TPCAA include State Representatives Jodie Laubenberg (R-Parker), Geanie Morrison (R-Victoria), and Scott Turner (R-Collin/Rockwall Counties).  


"Parents have the right to oversee the very personal and sensitive subject of human sexuality as it is taught to their children,” stated Representative Laubenberg.   “Abortion providers have a financial interest in the area of sexual education and the classroom is not the proper place to market and recruit clients.  I applaud Representative Leach for filing legislation that strengthens the role of parents in their children's education."


The TPCAA is strongly endorsed by the state’s oldest and largest pro-life organization, Texas Right to Life.  Director Elizabeth Graham praised Leach’s bold leadership, stating “Representative Leach’s bill marks the next logical step in keeping funds from the abortion industry.  After Texas Right to Life’s 2011 success in reallocating funds to clean health care agencies and programs, we don’t want funds flowing to abortion advocates through school contracts.  Furthermore, parents should be afforded the confidence that their young children will not be imperiled by abortion peddlers while at school.” 


The TPCAA is also supported by the acclaimed pro-life organization, Texas Alliance for Life, and the highly respected pro-family organization, Texas Values.  "This legislation goes a long way to respect parental authority in public schools and protect students from the ineffective sex education methods used by abortion providers," said Jonathan Saenz, president of Texas Values. 

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