Trump kicks off 2020 campaign with Pro-Life message
For two and a half years since his election, President Donald Trump has been one of the most Pro-Life presidents in American history. The president kicked off his re-election campaign Tuesday by highlighting the differences between the Pro-Life administration and the radical anti-Life forces opposing him.
“Virtually every top Democrat also now supports taxpayer-funded abortion right up to the moment of birth — ripping babies straight from the mothers’ womb,” President Trump said. “Leading Democrats have even opposed measures to prevent the execution of children after birth. You saw that in Virginia.”
Trump is exactly right to slam the blood industry, as anti-Life Democrats embrace ever more radical policies, and deliberately try to push Pro-Life people out of their ranks. The Democratic party platform includes judicial protection of Roe v. Wade, and states like New York and others have pushed some of the most barbaric abortion policies in the world.
Unlike the 2019 Texas legislature, Donald Trump has kept his Pro-Life promises. He has consistently spoken for the humanity of the preborn, moved to block Planned Parenthood from receiving federal tax dollars, appointed Pro-Life justices to the nation’s highest courts, and strengthened conscience protections for Pro-Life doctors and nurses.
Now, Trump has promised to fight for further policies that defend Life, saying “Republicans believe that every life is a sacred gift from God. That is why I have asked Congress to prohibit extreme late-term abortions.”
Trump’s remarks reflect the spirit of the Pro-Life movement, and if he continues fighting to uphold his promises, he may cement a legacy as the most Pro-Life president in American history.
Tags: 2020 election, Trump