The Texas connection to a big-name pro-abortion candidate
When anti-Life Senator Kamala Harris (D- California) announced she would be running for president, political insiders lavished praise on her well-orchestrated campaign rollout. Harris’s initial announcement was followed by a large rally in Harris’s home city of Oakland, California, and the most watched single-candidate town hall in CNN’s history. A recent profile in Texas Monthly reveals that the political savvy on display has Texas roots.
Texas Monthly explains that the woman behind Kamala Harris’s political machine, Lily Adams, is the granddaughter of the late Texas governor Ann Richards. Adams is far from a rookie in the world of politics. She has assisted on the campaigns for high profile pro-abortion candidates, working for the Democratic National Committee, acting as press secretary for Senator Tim Kaine (D- Virginia) who joined the most pro-abortion presidential ticket in U.S. history, and serving as spokesperson for the Hillary Clinton campaign in Iowa in 2016.
Although Adams certainly has a lineage for politics from her grandmother, the late Texas governor is not the only reason Adams has, as Texas Monthly says, “the bloodline for politics.” The more immediate source of Adams’s political connections is her mother, former Planned Parenthood president, Cecile Richards. While heading the largest abortion business in America, Cecile Richards wielded tremendous political power through the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.
As the president of an organization that takes the lives of more than 320,000 preborn babies in abortions each year, Cecile Richards had an arsenal of political money to divvy out to the most extreme anti-Life candidates. In the 2016 presidential election, Planned Parenthood sunk more than $30 million trying to elect one of their favorite anti-Life political cronies, Hillary Clinton.
There is no doubt that Adams’s choice of campaigns to lead aligns with her mother’s political advocacy for abortion. In her campaign announcement, Kamala Harris claimed, “I’m running to fight for an America … Where reproductive rights are not just protected by the Constitution of the United States but guaranteed in every state.” Pundits have noted that this line in the video announcement, dropping days after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law some of the most radical anti-Life legislation in the nation, may be Harris’s nod to this extreme anti-Life position.
Beyond this speculation, Harris’s record is resoundingly clear that she is extreme in her support for the legal killing of the preborn without restriction. She received a 100% rating from abortion group NARAL Pro-Choice America. She helped kill the life-saving federal Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would have banned abortions after 20 weeks across the nation. She also signed the Women’s Health Protection Act, a radical proposal that would eliminate state restrictions on abortions and make abortion up to birth the law of the land.
Additionally, while California attorney general in 2016, at the bidding of Planned Parenthood, Harris targeted Pro-Life journalist David Daleiden after he exposed the abortion business trafficking the body parts of babies killed in abortions. Perhaps nowhere is Harris’s fealty to the abortion industry as clear as the animus with which she fought Daleiden. Instead of pursuing the apparent criminals in the case, Planned Parenthood, Harris worked with the abortion business to try to amend the state’s penal code to criminalize the actions of undercover journalists exposing Planned Parenthood’s crimes.
Texas is a strongly Pro-Life state. Watching a Texas political protégé like Adams follow in the footsteps of her notorious mother and put her talent toward advancing the radical anti-Life campaign is tragic.
What is eminently more tragic is the role abortion and abortion lobbying has played in Adams’s life. Adams’s very first appearance in the political arena was as a toddler when her mother and grandmother carried her onstage at the Democratic National Convention in 1988. In her speech, Ann Richards talked about Adams and what she meant to her. She told the convention, “I’m a grandmother now. And I have one nearly perfect granddaughter named Lily.”
Richards went on to say, “I think of all the small victories that have added up to national triumphs. And all the things that never would have happened and all the people who would have been left behind if we had not reasoned and fought and won those battles together. And I will tell Lily that those triumphs were Democratic Party triumphs.”
The greatest triumph of the Democratic Party by the estimate of Planned Parenthood is that taxpayer-funded abortion on demand is now a central and unquestionable tenant of the Democratic Party. That radical support for abortion has led to loss of Life on a scale difficult to imagine, ending the lives of more than 61 million preborn babies, people who have “been left behind,” to use Richards’s language. Sadly, one of the people killed in the horror of legal abortion is Richards’s grandchild, Adams’s brother or sister she will never meet.
Tags: 2020 election, Ann Richards, cecile richards, Kamala Harris, Lily Adams