Think Planned Parenthood cares about preventing preterm birth? Think again.

In September, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast shared news of a clinical trial working to reduce preterm births among women who suffer from human papillomavirus (HPV) on their Facebook page.   The trial is studying the efficacy of a vaccine that can help treat precancerous lesions caused by HPV without destroying part of the cervix in the process.  Currently, all treatments cause this detrimental side-effect to the cervix, which puts women at-risk for preterm deliveries during pregnancy.

Why is this ironic?  Because Planned Parenthood commits more abortions than any single organization in the United States, and abortion is a leading cause of preterm birth.  As Texas Right to Life reported in July, the abortion-preterm birth link is understood by the scientific community as a whole to be “settled science.”  In other words, this link is undisputed and is backed by nearly 140 studies and a body of reliable meta-analyses.

The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists (AAPLOG) reports that preterm birth is a serious problem in the United States – a problem that has only become more prevalent in our nation in recent years:

Preterm Birth has become a very significant and extremely expensive medical reality in the United States (and other countries as well).  Premature birth (birth before 37 weeks) has increased 27% since 1981.  In 2007 the premature (preterm, or PTB) rate in America was 12.6% of all live births (and over 17% of all African-American births).

And the problems associated with preterm birth do not end at the heavy economic and medical cost burdens of premature birth.  AAPLOG explains that babies born prior to term are at astronomically higher risk of life-altering conditions that could potentially be prevented if women were better educated on the link between abortion and preterm birth prior to making an abortion choice:

Induced abortion has a significant association with subsequent premature birth, and particularly “very” premature birth (i.e. before 32 weeks gestation).  “Very” premature birth has a significant association with cerebral palsy and other developmental difficulties.  Preemies under 32 weeks have a Cerebral Palsy rates 55 times higher that the rates for a term baby.

Planned Parenthood is in the business of killing preborn children and maiming women physically and emotionally.  Their feigned concern for the lives of babies born prior to term is a transparent attempt to appear more humane.  But their increasing rate of abortions coupled with the group’s vastly decreasing rate of well-woman care and prenatal services bespeak a clear and disturbing agenda of profiting from the death of human beings regardless of the detrimental consequences. 

Learn more about the well-established scientific link between abortion and preterm birth here

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