Texas Right to Life PAC influence on political landscape recognized, especially outreach to women and Hispanics
The Texas Right to Life Political Action Committee (PAC) continues to impact elections by ousting anti-Life incumbents and helping to elect men and women who share Texas Right to Life’s commitment to protect the unborn, the disabled, and the medically vulnerable.
Houston, Texas – August 14, 2015: In the wake of disturbing video evidence that Planned Parenthood engages in illegal and shady sales of aborted baby parts, the positions of politicians on Pro-Life issues is under stricter scrutiny than ever before. A new study published in Campaigns and Elections and covered by Christian Post Politics underscores the crucial role of Texas Right to Life PAC with voters, particularly with women and Hispanics. Texas Right to Life is the only organization providing comprehensive reports on the actions of Texas elected officials toward Life.
In 2014, for example, Texas Right to Life aired hard-hitting ads, exposing gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis’ extremism. Texas Right to Life PAC aired the ads in Spanish in specific areas of the state to reach key voting groups—who rejected Davis after hearing the ads.
This landmark campaign drew notice of many national pundits, who confirmed that Texas Right to Life ads were the determining factor in Davis losing 24 of 26 Hispanic counties that typically vote Democrat. Christian Post examined data compiled by analytics firm Evolving Strategies, and concurred that Texas Right to Life’s impact on voters during the 2014 Texas gubernatorial campaign was key to Greg Abbott’s victory.
Texas, in the not-too-distant past, was a Democrat-led state ambivalent at best toward the Pro-Life cause. Today, however, Texas is the national leader on Pro-Life issues, paving the way to Pro-Life legislation for the many states that follow our example. And national media are pinpointing Texas Right to Life’s indispensable role in that transformation.
Pro-Life progress does not make national headlines unless the strides are really remarkable – and national media have taken notice of Texas Right to Life because our political strategy is successful. As media reports convey, we have experienced unprecedented success influencing sentiment among Hispanics, women, and Millennials. We believe that the protection of Life is a human issue, and we continue to frame our Pro-Life message to reach voters of every background.
Tags: culture, elections, legislation, media