Abortion cheerleaders Cecile Richards and Wendy Davis recount their abortion stories for fawning pundits
This week, abortion-loving pals Cecile Richards (Planned Parenthood prez) and Wendy Davis (former Texas Senator and failed gubernatorial candidate) recounted their abortion stories to fawning pundits in the liberal media. While their timing happened to jive, the two were definitely not reading from the same script. Davis took an emotional approach to her story – after all, her baby was “much wanted.” Richards, on the other hand, stuck to her regular narrative: that her abortion was hardly a blip on the radar of her life.
Richards appeared in an interview with Katie Couric on Tuesday in which she responded to just about every question with some variation of the statement, “Planned Parenthood has provided healthcare to folks for almost 100 years!” But Richards was surprisingly candid when asked about her own abortion. Perhaps the question caught her off-guard with too little time to formulate another rendition of her plug for Planned Parenthood’s Century of Amazingness (she has seldom discussed her abortion publicly, and only in vague recollections). Here’s what Richards had to say about her choice to terminate the Life of her fourth child:
It was a decision my husband and I made. It was a personal decision, and umm, we have three children that we adore and that are sort of the center of my life, and we decided that was as big as our family needed to be. And that was really the story. It wasn’t anything more dramatic than that.
Richards proceeded to refer to abortion as “an American value.” In a tandem piece on Yahoo! the same day, Couric visited a Planned Parenthood abortion mill to reveal to the public what an “abortion treatment room” looks like. Pro-Lifers already know what abortion rooms look like. What we want to know is: what, exactly, does abortion “treat?”
Wendy Davis was, unsurprisingly, interviewed by a less prominent media outlet: Mic.com. The outlet’s disdain for Pro-Lifers was evident in a laughable background music choice during a segment featuring Pro-Lifers answering the host’s questions about abortion as “murder.” Later in the feature, Wendy Davis rehashes her abortion account very differently than Richards:
I’ve had an abortion. I faced a very difficult choice in a pregnancy that was much wanted post twenty-weeks when I discovered that my daughter was suffering from an irreparable – a non-life-sustaining deformation or malformation. And it was one of the most heart-wrenching decisions that I’ve ever had to make, and I made my decision out of love.
Fortunately, perinatal hospices exist for parents and children facing difficult prenatal prognoses like the one Davis describes. Thanks to the committed work of these facilities, no parent need ever feel as if ending their child’s Life through an excruciating abortion is the most loving choice. Every child deserves to live out her natural lifespan in the loving embrace of those who cherish her. Davis may somehow believe that “love” can fuel a decision to dismember a live human being growing in her mother’s womb. But her accompanying disdain for anyone who questions her version of love is palpable:
The idea that a politician would step into that decision for me and displace my ability to do out of love what I knew what was right for a daughter that I wanted very much is not only insulting—it’s disgusting.
Davis calls abortion “a personal issue,” but any personal opinion opposed to her own is both “insulting” and “disgusting.” Anti-Life logic fails once again.
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Tags: culture, legislation, media, planned parenthood