Texas Democratic Chair lashes out at Sonogram Law

Elizabeth Graham, Director of Texas Right to Life, sent this message to supporters:

In a letter to supporters, the Chair of the Democrat Party in Texas, Gilberto Hinojosa, mocked Thanksgiving in Governor Perry's house, jeering at Governor Perry giving thanks for the new Sonogram Law that is already saving lives.

Like you and me, I'm sure that Governor Perry gives thanks for every tiny Texan born and spared from abortion!

The Sonogram Law requires abortion committers to open the window to the womb to pregnant women before making an abortion decision.

Hinojosa also mocked the method that many abortion centers use to give a sonogram: a wand that is used internally to examine the baby at an early stage of development. Pro- abortion supporters like to call this method forced rape! Clearly, abortion is far more violent and invasive than a sonogram.

What Hinojosa and abortion supporters want is to spread confusion and inspire fear. Help Texas Right to Life stop this deceit by signing and sending our petition to your friends.

You see, before the Sonogram Law was passed, abortion centers were ALREADY doing sonograms before every abortion, using the very internal sonogram wand they like to call "forced rape!"

But many Hispanic families in Texas are torn apart by abortion — one-third of abortions in Texas are committed on Hispanic babies. But Hinojosa didn’t bother to mention this. In Texas, Hispanics are aborted more than in any other ethnic group.

Sadly, Gilberto Hinojosa aligns himself with the radical left to slaughter and prey on Hispanic babies and families.

Every baby born in Texas is legally a new Texan, and we welcome each and every new Texan for Life!

Recently, Texas Right to Life spoke with Blanca Skok, a Hispanic Texan who was born in Mexico. She saves lives from abortion in north Houston at The Dest for Women Pregnancy Medical Clinic.

She told us how the Sonogram Law is truly saving the lives of tiny Hispanics and saving Hispanic women from the physical and life-long emotional pain of committing an abortion.

Blanca said that many Hispanic women in economic and emotional distress walk through the door at The Dest just for a sonogram — one last stop before making a decision to abort. After seeing an image of her baby, a woman who is struggling with multiple problems is empowered to choose life. These women are given answers to the crisis and given a plan and real help to carry their unplanned pregnancies to term.

Why shouldn't all women have this chance — the chance to choose life, the chance to see the baby in the womb?

Will you join me and call on Hinojosa and pro-abortion politicians to tell the truth about the Sonogram Law and encourage every pregnant woman who is carrying a new Texan to view her baby and hear the flickering heartbeat?

Tell the abortion advocates that we're thankful for the Sonogram Law. And we're thankful for statesmen who stand for Life and stand with and trust Hispanic women!

Send your message now!

Yours for Life,


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