Texas Right to Life Endorses Matt Rinaldi for Chair of Texas Republican Party

Texas is under threat, and the Republican Party of Texas must be a bulwark against attacks from the Left and within.

The threat is particularly acute for the Right to Life. Joe Biden has quickly solidified his position as the most pro-abortion president in America’s history. Democrats in Austin and Washington have grown increasingly brazen in their abortion advocacy. Some Republican legislators exhibit indifference or even hostility to the Pro-Life movement.

Texas Republicans need a leader who will staunchly repel these attacks and defend the Right to Life.

That is why Texas Right to Life is proudly endorsing Matt Rinaldi to be the next Chair of the Republican Party of Texas.

The 2nd Principle of the Republican Party of Texas affirms “the sanctity of innocent human life, created in the image of God, which should be equally protected from fertilization to natural death.”

Republicans recognize that the Right to Life is the most fundamental of our rights as Texans, Americans, and human beings.

That is why the RPT platform has over a dozen Pro-Life planks, and the abolition of abortion remains a legislative priority. The work of the State Republican Executive Committee and the Republican Party of Texas towards this end is absolutely vital.

Republicans must strive to lead Texas, and indeed, the nation, by vigorously defending the Right to Life for all people.
No one is better equipped to lead this pursuit than Matt Rinaldi.

During his two-term tenure in the Texas House of Representatives, Rinaldi was a powerful force for Life. As the Pro-Life whip, he organized the defense of Pro-Life legislation and ensured anti-Life efforts from Democrats and Republicans were soundly defeated. His work on the Texas Budget stopped all state funds from flowing to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. He played an instrumental role in numerous pieces of significant Pro-Life legislation that came before the chamber when he was a state representative.

Now, the Republican Party of Texas has the chance to benefit from the strong leadership of Matt Rinaldi, who has long been a courageous conservative. His prudent conservative leadership is precisely what the Republican Party of Texas needs at the helm.

Texas Right to Life proudly, emphatically endorses Matt Rinaldi, and we urge all State Republican Executive Committee members to vote for him for Chairman on July 11th.

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