Texas Right to Life Political Action Committee endorses Alma Perez Jackson for State Senate
Texas Right to Life Political Action Committee endorses Alma Perez Jackson for State Senate
A native of San Antonio intimately familiar with State Senate District 26, Alma Perez Jackson is the only prolife candidate running in the January 6 special election to fill a recently vacated senate seat.
Alma would be a welcome addition to the Texas Senate since the previous senator was pro-abortion. Alma shares Texas Right to Life’s belief that innocent human life must be protected from fertilization until natural death, including protecting the rights of the disabled and those who are hospitalized.
Alma has pledged support for the rights of the preborn, higher safety standards for women, and stronger protections for patients and families in hospital settings. Both of her opponents, members of the State House, are ardent abortion activists.
"Texas Right to Life looks forward to working with Alma as an ardent Pro-Life legislator who seeks to protect innocent human life at all stages. Senate District 26 should finally elect a senator who truly represents their Pro-Life values, as well as the majority of Texans," said Emily Kebodeaux, JD, Political Director of Texas Right to Life.
Real Pro-Lifers are needed in the State Senate. Texans in Bexar County should elect Alma Perez Jackson who demonstrates her commitment to faith and family values.
Early voting begins Monday, December 29, and Election Day is Tuesday, January 6.
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