Texas Right to Life PAC backs Kevin Roberts in HD 126 race
Houston, Texas – November 4, 2015: Texas Right to Life’s Political Action Committee proudly announces the support and endorsement of Kevin Roberts in the race for Texas House District 126.
The Chief Operating Officer of Houston’s Lanier Law Firm, Roberts has a keen sense of what is important to the lives of Texans and has experience in and around the state capitol.
With experience in the medical field, Kevin sees the importance of protecting patients’ rights from the ever-expanding, dangerous medical culture and hospital overreach into the lives and treatment of Texans.
As a staunch supporter of the Pro-Life cause, Kevin Roberts believes, as Texas Right to Life does, that all innocent human Life deserves protection from the moment of fertilization until natural death. Kevin, through Texas Right to Life’s stringent PAC process, has demonstrated his willingness and eagerness to place Pro-Life policies and legislation as a priority in the Texas House of Representatives.
“Kevin has tracked Pro-life issues in the legislature closely, even before announcing his bid for House District 126. His background in the medical industry provides Kevin with practical application of Pro-Life ethics – from protecting the preborn to protecting vulnerable patients from heath care decisions made without their consent. Texas Right to Life would be honored to work with Kevin during the upcoming 85th Texas Legislature,” said Emily Kebodeaux, Political Director of Texas Right to Life.
Texas Right to Life is certain of Kevin Roberts’ dedication to join the strong Pro-Life members of the Texas House who place solid Pro-Life legislation ahead of political agendas in order to save lives today and chart a path forward to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Kevin and his wife, Hollie, are active members of Champion Forest Baptist Church, where Kevin serves as a deacon. They live in northwest Houston with their two sons.
Tags: elections, legislation