Texas Right to Life PAC Proudly Endorses Greg Abbott for Governor

Texas Right to Life’s Political Action Committee proudly announces the endorsement of Attorney General Greg Abbott as the next Governor of Texas.


As Attorney General, Greg Abbott has achieved a decade of defending Pro-Life laws and provisions, and his many legal opinions from the Office of the Attorney General have resulted in increased protections on the sanctity of human life.


As a staunch supporter of the Pro-Life cause, Greg Abbott shares all of Texas Right to Life’s goals for protecting Life.  He continually demonstrates an uncompromising dedication to advancing the cause at every opportunity, and Texas Right to Life is confident in his ability to do so as Texas’ Governor.


“Attorney General Abbott has shepherded Texas through the culture war well by protecting innocent human life at all stages.  Attorney General Abbott has never backed away from a Pro-Life challenge.  In addition to defending Pro-Life laws passed by the Legislature, he has helped ensure that women have full access to health care services at agencies that are not sullied by affiliation with abortion.  Not only does Attorney General Abbott’s record show his concern for pregnant women, but also his record of protecting all women from the predatory abortion industry is clear.  He is the type of leader and statesman on whom we can depend,” said Elizabeth Graham, Director of Texas Right to Life.

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