Take Action: Legislature moves forward with life-saving bill; Pro-Lifers needed in Austin on Monday

Tuesday afternoon, July 2nd, separate crowds of pro-lifers and abortion activists rallied at the State Capitol as the House Committee on State Affairs considered House Bill 2, the omnibus prolife bill.  HB 2 would establish the state interest in protecting the lives of preborn children who feel pain and subsequently ban abortions in Texas at 5 months of pregnancy.  The bill would also increase health and safety standards at abortion clinics.


The sentiment expressed by supporters of HB 2 is that “Texas women deserve better than abortion.”  This bill is more than a health and safety initiative to protect women.  The core of the bill is the recognition and protection of the civil rights of the preborn


Though this bill protects both women and their preborn children, the diversity of opponents on the bill has never been more evident.  Paid abortion advocates protested outside the State Capitol in Austin and paraded a variety of offensive signs while spewing venomous slogans — but perhaps none more offensive than “Hail Satan.”  Pro-lifers responded by singing “Amazing Grace.”


At the end of the evening, Chairman Byron Cook moved to vote HB 2 out of the committee, and the bill passed by a vote of 8-3.  Next the bill goes to the full House while on Monday, July 8th, the Senate Health & Human Services Committee holds its hearing on Senate Bill 1, the companion bill to HB 2.  


Call and email YOUR Representative and Senator starting on Monday with a simple message, “Please speak, stand, and vote FOR House Bill 2 and Senate Bill 1.  Those with no voice are counting on you.”


Visit this link to confirm your correct Representative and Senator: http://www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us/Home.aspx


Additionally, be prepared to join Texas Right to Life on Monday, July 8th with your presence in Austin.  There are several important opportunities for you to #Stand4Life:


7 am: Doors to the Capitol open. If possible, please arrive before 7 am to hold your place in line for registration in favor of SB 1.


9 am: Registration begins. Please register in favor of SB 1. If you want to testify, you will need to note that on your registration card.  To submit written testimony, note that on your witness affirmation card and bring 20 copies to submit. You do not have to register to attend and watch the hearing, but you do need to register to speak before the committee.  You may also register your support without testifying—which is very important to the success of SB 1. 


10 am: Senate Health & Human Services Committee hearing begins in room E1.036.  Testimony will be limited to 2 minutes each. Please plan to stay all day to show legislators your support of their pro-life views.  You are allowed to come and go from the hearing.  Overflow rooms will be available, but no food or beverages are allowed in the overflow rooms.


7-9 pm: Pro-Life Rally on the South steps of the Capitol, featuring national Pro-Life speakers and Pro-Life Legislators. 


Please come early, stay late, wear Blue, and #Stand4Life.


Don't forget to check out our TexasRightToLife.com events tab for further information and updates!   You may also check us out on Facebook.


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