Sarah Davis cozies up to Planned Parenthood, biggest abortion perpetrator in the country

Republican-In-Name-Only lawmaker named Sarah Davis has stated that she believed abortion was “a horrible way to end a pregnancy,” but her actions bespeak a far different mindset:  Representative Davis (R-Houston) actually believes in abortion, no matter what.  With help from Davis, her good friends at Planned Parenthood, the American abortion conglomerate, claim the lives of more preborn children than any other single abortion business in the country.

Davis revealed deeper ties with the abortion giant last week when she actively opposed a measure in the State House that tightens loopholes in the judicial bypass court proceeding through which pregnant teens secure permission from a judge to undergo secret abortions without parental consent.  Instead of reforming the bypass process to be more protective of pregnant teens, Davis spoke against HB 3994 in an attempt to keep the law weak.  Thankfully, committed Republicans who believe in protecting pregnant minors, parental rights, and the unborn outvoted RINO Davis and the abortion caucus.

Davis joined with abortion advocate and legislator Donna Howard (D-Austin) for a hear-me-roar Planned Parenthood photo op, featuring ridiculous propaganda that HB 3994 “messed with Texas women.”

Strong bipartisan leaders who don't want folks messing with TX women! #txlege @DonnaHowardTX @SarahforHD134

— PPTV (@PPTXVotes) May 14, 2015

In reality, HB 3994 protects minors from exploitation by the predatory abortion industry.  To ensure profit from minors whose parents are uninvolved in their abortions, Planned Parenthood and other abortion mills provide pro bono attorneys to usher young pregnant girls through the judicial bypass process.  HB 3994 would codify stricter guidelines and eliminate loopholes that jeopardize physically and sexually abused girls.  Why wouldn’t Davis and Howard stand for these young Texas women who are “messed with” by sexual predators?

Houston Republican Sarah Davis argued to keep Judicial Bypass law weak. #HB3994

— Texas Right to Life (@TXRightToLife) May 14, 2015

In 2011, Davis voted against the Life-saving Sonogram Law that allows mothers to peer through the window to the womb and view their developing children before proceeding with – or changing their minds about – an abortion decision.  In 2013, Davis aligned with her Democratic fellow Wendy (the other Davis), posturing for women subjecting preborn children who can feel pain to excruciating death by dismemberment.

Despite all of Davis’ anti-Life leanings, Sarah Davis has won cherry committee assignments in the State House of Representatives, positioning her to advance her agenda.  One of her posts is on the powerful Calendars Committee, and now Davis is on the committee that will finalize the state’s budget, enabling her to weaken or delete the Pro-Life amendments successfully added to the budget.  Though Davis is quite proud of her abortion views, most other Republicans who may share her views have continued to vote Pro-Life, keeping commitments to voters and to the majority of Pro-Life Texans.

Pro-Lifers need to call the Capitol office of Representative Davis and respectfully ask her to keep the Pro-Life provisions passed by the House in the final version of the state’s budget.

Davis’ contact info can be found here.

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