Pro-abortion House member seeks open Senate seat

Texas State House member Carol Alvarado has been an outspoken adversary of the unborn and is now vying for the open Senate seat formerly held by the late Senator from Houston, Mario Gallegos


While Alvarado’s been in office, she has spoken openly against all of Texas Right to Life’s proposed legislation that would protect pregnant women and unborn children.  She is a member of the pro-abortion National Organization of Women, and a past board member of Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas (now Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast). 


In 2011, Alvarado attacked the pro-woman, Pro-Life Sonogram Bill.  Now law, the Sonogram Law gives women the opportunity to be informed about what actually occurs during an abortion procedure, and allows women to see and hear their children before making the life-ending decision of abortion. 


Just last month, in an interview with a Houston progressive blog, Representative Alvarado called the Sonogram Bill a “silly thing” that she was “smack in the middle of,” even though the Sonogram Bill passed with bipartisan support. 


Alvarado was not only dead-set against the Sonogram Bill, but she sought to impede actions that created the most Pro-Life budget in state history.  Texas Right to Life helped redirect over $64 million from the abortion industry to worthy programs where funding had already been slashed.  Alvarado voted against every Pro-Life budget amendment, fighting tooth and nail for Texas tax dollars to fund the abortion industry – including Planned Parenthood. 


At a Planned Parenthood rally, Alvarado demonized the cuts to the abortion industry: “You want to talk about being pro-family and pro-child?  Show me that in our budget.  The proposed budget cuts do not reflect anything that is pro-child or pro-family.  Where is the compassion?”


Not pro-child?  Some of the amendments that Alvarado opposed took tax dollars away from the abortion industry and moved state money into children’s services: Autism programs, Mental Health Services for Children, Early Childhood Intervention, and the STAR At-Risk Youth program.  Alvarado doesn’t think funding these programs is pro-child, but she thinks funding Planned Parenthood is?  Where is her compassion? 


Carol Alvarado is out of step with the values of Texans.  She would rather schmooze and fund the abortion business with your tax dollars than truly help women and their children in Texas. 

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