PAC Endorses Lois Kolkhorst in Senate District 18

Texas Right to Life Political Action Committee endorses Representative Lois Kolkhorst for State Senate District 18.  SD 18 has been held by two pro-lifers since 1987, with former State Senator Ken Armbrister serving 20 years and then, in 2007 until December of this year, State Senator Hegar, who resigned to prepare to take office as the state’s Comptroller of Public Affairs.  Texas Right to Life is confident that Representative Kolkhorst will continue Armbrister’s and Hegar’s legacy of leadership in protecting life at all stages.

As chair of the powerful Public Health Committee in 2013, Representative Kolkhorst single-handedly stopped Senate Bill 303, legislation that would have expanded a hospital’s authority to withdraw life-sustaining treatment over patient/family objections.  Representative Kolkhorst recognizes that reform to the current Texas Advance Directive Law is needed, but she saw SB 303 as short on patient protections, full of dangerous and subjective terminology, and a deprivation of civil liberties.  Kolkhorst joined with numerous other House lawmakers to protect patients, no matter age, disability, or illness.

In addition, Representative Kolkhorst has consistently co-authored prolife measures and always voted for the passage of prolife bills.  Her Texas Right to Life scorecard can be found here.

Representative Kolkhorst stood up for the most voiceless among us, and she will do no less in the State Senate.   Texas Right to Life PAC is proud to stand with Lois Kolkhorst in her race for State Senate District 18.

Early voting begins Wednesday, November 26th, 2014.

Election Day is December 6th, 2014. 


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