How Texas Right to Life interns spent their summer vacation

"On Being an Intern" by Jamie Roy (pictured left)

Interning at Texas Right to Life this summer has been an amazing experience.  As a “Generation Now” scholar, I wanted to see what happened behind the scenes at Texas Right to Life, as well as spend my summer working in the Pro-Life movement.  I was surprised at how many people work in the office and all the different things everyone does.  

From legislation and the PAC, to educational programs and managing donations, the office is continually active.  I stayed busy with projects including updating the database, making calls to ask for donations to the silent auction in September, and stuffing more envelopes than I can begin to count.  I was also able to attend REveAL and REveAL2 as a counselor.  Participating in all these things first-hand has really given me an appreciation for all the hard work Texas Right to Life does on a daily basis. 

Working for a cause in which I strongly believe is incredibly rewarding.  The more I learn about the Pro-Life movement and the abortion industry, the more I want to help save unborn babies and their mothers and families.  While I am working in the Pro-Life movement I am helping the most innocent among us, and this is gratifying.  The genuine and friendly atmosphere of everyone in the office made it a great place to spend my summer!  I am very thankful for this opportunity.


Jamie Roy is a sophomore at the Mays Business School at Texas A & M in College Station.  




"Notes from an Intern" by Sheila Cronin (pictured right)


Working as a summer intern for Texas Right to Life has broadened my understanding of what it means to be Pro-Life, and my understanding of the ways in which the sanctity of Life is threatened, including the horrors of abortion and euthanasia, poor treatment of those nearing death, and federal and state laws which devalue human life.

Working in the office is fun too!  There are many wonderful, lively staff members all working for the same mission.  Whether it is working on COL preparations, legislative research, or talking with donors, everyone has an important role.  As an intern, I have the blessing of being able to work wherever there is a need, which means having the ability to see how different departments of TRL work.  I witnessed those in the Membership Services Department, with great attention to detail, making phone calls and sorting through donor files and donations.  I learned how the Outreach Development Department trained new “Generation Now” Scholars, and worked hard preparing for and providing educational and fun REveAL and REveAL2 camps.  In my last week as an intern, I received a closer look into the Development and Advancement Department.  The staff members in development work hard making phone calls, and visiting Texas Right to Life members.  They work to ensure that our donors know our appreciation for their support, and our genuine interest in their lives.

Serving as an intern has been a wonderful experience, and I am so thankful to have had the opportunity.  In mid-August I will be returning to University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, but I will not forget my time here at TRL.  I will leave with a greater appreciation for all of those who work to defend and protect the sanctity of all human life. 


Sheila Cronin is a junior music therapy major at University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio.  


How Texas Right to Life interns spent their summer vacation

"On Being an Intern" by Jamie Roy (pictured left)

Interning at Texas Right to Life this summer has been an amazing experience.  As a “Generation Now” scholar, I wanted to see what happened behind the scenes at Texas Right to Life, as well as spend my summer working in the Pro-Life movement.  I was surprised at how many people work in the office and all the different things everyone does.  


From legislation and the PAC, to educational programs and managing donations, the office is continually active.  I stayed busy with projects including updating the database, making calls to ask for donations to the silent auction in September, and stuffing more envelopes than I can begin to count.  I was also able to attend REveAL and REveAL2 as a counselor.  Participating in all these things first-hand has really given me an appreciation for all the hard work Texas Right to Life does on a daily basis. 


Working for a cause in which I strongly believe is incredibly rewarding.  The more I learn about the Pro-Life movement and the abortion industry, the more I want to help save unborn babies and their mothers and families.  While I am working in the Pro-Life movement I am helping the most innocent among us, and this is gratifying.  The genuine and friendly atmosphere of everyone in the office made it a great place to spend my summer!  I am very thankful for this opportunity.


Jamie Roy is a sophomore at the Mays Business School at Texas A&M in College Station.  




"Notes from an Intern" by Sheila Cronin (pictured right)


Working as a summer intern for Texas Right to Life has broadened my understanding of what it means to be Pro-Life, and my understanding of the ways in which the sanctity of life is threatened, including the horrors of abortion and euthanasia, poor treatment of those nearing death, and federal and state laws which devalue human life.


Working in the office is fun too!  There are many wonderful, lively staff members all working for the same mission.  Whether it is working on COL preparations, legislative research, or talking with donors, everyone has an important role.  As an intern, I have the blessing of being able to work wherever there is a need, which means having the ability to see how different departments of TRL work.  I witnessed those in the Membership Services Department, with great attention to detail, making phone calls and sorting through donor files and donations.  I learned how the Outreach Development Department trained new “Generation Now” Scholars, and worked hard preparing for and providing educational and fun REveAL and REveAL2 camps.  In my last week as an intern, I received a closer look into the Development and Advancement Department.  The staff members in development work hard making phone calls, and visiting Texas Right to Life members.  They work to ensure that our donors know our appreciation for their support, and our genuine interest in their lives.


Serving as an intern has been a wonderful experience, and I am so thankful to have had the opportunity.  In mid-August I will be returning to University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, but I will not forget my time here at TRL.  I will leave with a greater appreciation for all of those who work to defend and protect the sanctity of all human life. 


Sheila Cronin is a junior music therapy major at University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio.  


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