Block against Pro-Life rule reinstated by court

Adding to the week-long drama of the Planned Parenthood lawsuit against the State of Texas, yet another court order has come from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. But this time the ruling is not in our favor. The court has reinstated a block — requested by Planned Parenthood — against a Pro-Life rule that excludes abortion committers and affiliates from a healthcare program that serves 130,000 low-income women.

The rule in question would keep all abortion providers, and any entity affiliated with an abortion provider, from receiving taxpayer dollars through the Women’s Health Program, which gave more than $10 million dollars a year to Planned Parenthood in the past.

The three judge panel of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals concluded today that the block, originally issued by a lower federal district court, was justified until further arguments were offered and examined by the court, because it is clear that the Pro-Life rule would cause “irreparable harm” to the abortion giant.

Elizabeth Graham, the director of Texas Right to Life, said, “Planned Parenthood’s claims in the lawsuit about discrimination and staff cuts if excluded from the Women’s Health Program are absurd; if Planned Parenthood would stop committing abortion, they would be eligible for several public revenue streams.

“Though the preliminary injunction may seem to be a victory for the abortion giant, Governor Perry and Texas Attorney General Abbott have consistently held that Texas will not continue the WHP if taxpayers are forced to subsidize the abortion industry. Planned Parenthood is now playing politics with women’s health by risking the whole program by its advocacy of abortion. Attorney General Abbott is fully prepared to defend the intent of the Legislature by allowing participation in the WHP to providers and agencies that provide a full spectrum of health care services and that are not affiliated with abortion.

“Texas Right to Life very carefully oversaw the Women’s Health Program renewal legislation, ensuring that low income women could find services at agencies that do not provide abortion. We have full confidence in Attorney General Abbott to protect the taxpayers of Texas from directly and indirectly funding America’s largest abortion chain.”


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