Alpha Pregnancy Center offers hope and Life-affirming options to women and families in Humble

Texas is blessed to have over 200 Life-affirming pregnancy resource centers across the state.  These centers offer hope to women and families who are sometimes in desperate situations.

Along with providing options counseling to women in unexpected pregnancies, these centers offer resources they could not otherwise afford, like clothes, food and formula, diapers, wipes, bottles, and blankets to families with young children.  These centers allow the Pro-Life movement to take a tangible and very noticeable stand against Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.  These centers provide women and their children with support before, during, and after their pregnancies – a stark contrast to what abortion centers offer.

Texas Right to Life is thrilled to highlight Alpha Pregnancy Center in Humble, Texas (a suburb north of Houston).  Located off Highway 59, Alpha Pregnancy Center serves the Humble and northeast Houston communities.  Charlotte Earhart, APC’s executive director, said the center opened its doors in November 2013 after hearing about the high number of pregnant students in Humble area high schools.

“When I heard there were 89 pregnant girls in one high school, it blew my mind,” said Earhart.  “I thought, ‘Wow.  We need a presence here.’”

Along with counseling women in unexpected pregnancies, APC also offers its clients an “Earn to Learn” program.  This program allows families to earn items they need for their children by reading books on parenting, spirituality, relationships, and education.  Pregnant clients can also garner points by finding and seeing a doctor on a regular basis throughout their pregnancy.

Although APC has an ultrasound machine, the center does not currently have a sonographer who will come to perform the very important ultrasounds for clients.  Earhart said the center hopes to have a trained sonographer as a volunteer soon.

To service the needs of the community, Earhart and APC have already been approached about opening a second center in New Caney, a town 12 miles north of the current location.  Because many of APC’s clients come from the northern communities of Cleveland and New Caney, Earhart is excited about being able to continue serving the women in these areas.

At least fifteen babies of young women who have visited APC and made Life-affirming decisions will be born by the end of 2014. 

In planning for the future, Earhart said APC’s goal is to also provide post-abortion counseling for its clients, as well as a sexual integrity program for local schools and churches.

“It is amazing the doors that have opened for us and our funding has been sufficient for our needs,” Earhart said.  “God continues to provide.”

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