Abortion records: a legacy no one wants

Planned Parenthood has set a new record – and not a good one. 

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America has out done itself by committing a record 333,964 abortions on preborn children in the 2011-2012 fiscal year.


That number is accompanied by the ever-rising flow of taxpayer dollars to the abortion giant.  The total amount United States taxpayers forked over for the deadly business in 2011-2012 topped the charts at $542.4 million, a jump from the previous year’s $538.5 million. 


In the annual report, Planned Parenthood still claims that abortion services account for only 3 percent of overall services.  But with the average cost of an abortion estimated at $450, those 333,964 children killed awarded Planned Parenthood with a staggering $150 million – 27 percent of the women’s health center’s annual profits. 


The fact that American taxpayers are forced to prop-up an abortion business that has ended the lives of nearly one million preborn children in the last three years is a tragedy.


As the fortieth anniversary of state-sanctioned child-killing nears, the time has come for the federal government to take a long look at what kind of legacy will be left for future generations to bear.


With hopeful hearts, and just three days into the 113th Congress, Pro-Life stalwarts already introduced the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act, a bill that will cut off abortion businesses and their affiliates from receiving Title X funding.


But with 45 percent of Planned Parenthood’s annual revenue coming from the federal government, the organization is on a path to become a state-sponsored abortion enterprise.  And for the abortion zealots in the Congressional and Executive Branches, they seem determined to let the killing of innocent children continue to be their legacy.  


Click here for the full report.


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