Wendy Davis announces bid to unseat Pro-Life Champion Chip Roy

After months of hinting at a possible run, Wendy Davis announced Monday she is challenging Pro-Life Congressman Chip Roy (TX-21).  Davis, the infamous anti-Life former state senator and failed gubernatorial candidate, made national headlines in 2013 by standing on the floor of the Texas Senate for 13 hours defending the killing of pain-capable preborn babies.

As Texas Right to Life previously reported, there is a coordinated and well-funded effort by extreme abortion groups to influence the 2020 election in Texas, with one anti-Life organization dumping $20 million into flipping state legislatures like Texas’s.

Congressional District 21, which includes parts of Austin, San Antonio, and the Hill Country, became a national target for anti-Life groups in 2018 when Pro-Life Congressman Roy narrowly won against anti-Life Joseph Kopser in a much closer race than expected.

Undoubtedly, Davis’s extreme abortion record will influence her 2020 bid against Congressman Roy.

When Davis ran for Texas governor in 2014, Texas Right to Life PAC exposed her extreme record on abortion and voters rejected her.

When voters learn that a candidate supports ripping pain-capable preborn children from the womb and forcing taxpayers to pay for this barbaric “procedure,” many reject the anti-Life candidate, especially in Texas.  Texans still stand for Life.

Ironically, Davis proclaimed in her announcement video, “I’m running for Congress because people’s voices are still being silenced,” failing to recognize her part in silencing people’s voices by the thousands through her abortion filibuster.  “I’m running for our children and grandchildren, so they can live and love and fight for change themselves,” she continued – a statement that would seem more genuine if her career weren’t built on ending lives prematurely.

Representative Roy, on the other hand, has shown himself to be a Pro-Life stalwart.

Not only is Chip Roy a staunch, principled defender of Life, but his political experience allowed him to immediately become a leader upon entering the fray in Washington, even as a freshman legislator.  If Wendy Davis wants to run for Congress, there’s no better opponent – philosophically and energetically – for her to face.

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