Pro-Life Candidates Win Texas Elections

On Tuesday’s Election night, Texas Pro-Life candidates won or advanced in their races.

Pro-Life conservative Brent Money has advanced to a runoff in his run for the open House District 2 seat. Money is by far the most Pro-Life candidate in this race.

As a former foster father who also adopted, he has a special appreciation for the gift of Life and what it means to fight for each and every child. These roles have given him firsthand experience working with the foster care system, which will be extremely valuable in this post-Roe world as we seek to build a culture that respects and cares for Life.

Money is 100% Pro-Life and will NOT back down to the pro-abortion Left or to fake “Pro-Lifers” who seek to add exceptions to our laws. Our state needs a fearless conservative like Money to stand up for our values and fight to protect all innocent human Life.

The runoff election will be held on December 9. We look forward to seeing him elected to this seat!

At the same time, Pro-Life conservative Shelley Sekula-Gibbs has won her race for re-election to The Woodlands Township Board, Position 5! 

Dr. Sekula-Gibbs’ experience as a Houston City Council member, a congresswoman, and a two-term member of The Woodlands Township Board makes her more than qualified for the job. She is a proven leader, in the Pro-Life movement and beyond. 

Her experience as a physician compelled Dr. Sekula-Gibbs to not just recognize the sanctity of Life, but to actively join the fight to protect innocent Life from abortion. She stated that her change of heart came when she “learned a lot more about what goes on with those powerful ultrasounds that people are now offering for women so they can actually see inside the womb and know that life begins at conception and not just whenever [the baby] was deemed viable.”

Thanks to the Pro-Life voters of The Woodlands, Dr. Sekula-Gibbs will be able to continue her important work. 

Sadly, Ohio did not see such Pro-Life success on Election Day. Issue 1 passed, amending Ohio’s constitution to allow abortion until the moment of birth. They are the seventh state to pass such a ballot referendum allowing abortion. Texas must stay red, electing strong Pro-Life voices at every level of government to pass and protect strong Pro-Life laws that will continue protecting pregnant women and their preborn children from the moment of fertilization. We cannot rest on our victories now, but must continue the fight to advance, not retreat, in building a truly life-affirming state. 

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