Endorsement Process
Each election cycle, the Texas Right to Life Political Action Committee (PAC) recruits, vets, and supports candidates for elected office who reflect a deep commitment to advancing the culture of Life through public policy.
Despite an impending special legislative session calling incumbents back to Austin to complete unfinished business, the summer is already heating up with primary election activity. During the regular legislative session, voters have been consistently upset with the performance of many lawmakers, especially in the Texas House of Representatives, prompting challengers across the state to announce their candidacies early.
Are you running for office?
Not every candidate who calls himself/herself “Pro-Life” earns the endorsement of Texas Right to Life. The Texas Right to Life PAC employs a two-step vetting process that has caused many to remark it is the “toughest” endorsement process in state politics. Why the harshness? The will to protect innocent human Life is not up for compromise, and the depth of a person’s commitment to such a basic principle is a reflection of how he/she will act on other issues important to Texans. Incumbents seeking this endorsement are judged based on their performance – or non-performance – during legislative sessions in advancing Texas Right to Life’s priority agenda. And at the end of the day, unlike other issues, when one compromises on Life, the only other result is death.
If you are a candidate seeking the premier endorsement of Texas Right to Life, we ask the following:
Step One:
Contact Texas Right to Life by emailing PAC@texasrighttolife.com or calling our office at 713-782-5433. We will send you a written questionnaire that is required for every office, including judicial seats. The questionnaire contains a broad array of the complex Pro-Life issues Texans deal with every day. Satisfactory completion of the written questionnaire will then lead to an offer of a candidate interview, which is step two of our process.
Step Two:
An in-person interview with our PAC panel will be scheduled. Face-to-face interactions with candidates ensure the candidate himself/herself completed the written questionnaire (instead of a spouse or a political consultant), and allows Texas Right to Life the ability to more accurately gauge a candidate’s commitment to and knowledge of advancing Pro-Life principles. The PAC panel consists of a mix of 5-6 employees, volunteers, and members of Texas Right to Life.
Texas Right to Life takes the endorsement of candidates very seriously, as illustrated through the extensive interview process. Our endorsement signals to Texas voters which candidates will fight for Pro-Life policies when elected to office. If you are committed to advancing the culture of Life and serving Texans through public office, please contact our office or visit our website at www.texasrighttolifepac.com about starting the candidate interview and endorsement process. We look forward to hearing from you!