Candidate Spotlight: Lisa Luby Ryan in HD 114

This is the second in a series of spotlights that Texas Right to Life will be publishing highlighting candidates who will be new, Pro-Life members of the Texas Legislature following their success in the upcoming November elections.


Lisa Luby Ryan is running for the Texas House of Representatives in House District 114, which is located in North Dallas.  Jason Villalba, an establishment ally of Joe Straus, has held the district for the past three terms. Ryan defeated Villalba by more than 700 votes in the March 6 primary and will head to Austin if she defeats her Democratic opponent in the November election.

Ryan has been involved in her community for many years.  She has served as President of the Park Cities Republican Women and as a member of the Board of the Dallas-based Council for Life.  She is also a talented interior designer and owns her own thriving interior design business.

Lisa’s faith is incredibly important to her.  As a result of growing up in an abusive household, she found believing in God’s love difficult.  She eventually found healing through Christian counseling from the pain she had experienced, including her deep sorrow and regret over her three abortions.  Lisa shared her powerful testimony through the national campaign “I Am Second” and served as their national spokesperson.  She attends Gateway Church in Dallas with her husband Jay, to whom she has been married for more than 20 years.  They have two grown sons, Kyle and Casey.

Former Representative Villalba was known around the Capitol for being a puppet of liberal House leadership and for his often immature Twitter rants, which most often targeted conservative legislators like the members of the Freedom Caucus.  Ryan’s faith, class, and commitment to the conservative values that HD 114 holds dear will be a welcome change for her future constituents.

If elected, Lisa Luby Ryan could be one of the newest members of the Texas Freedom Caucus.  Membership is by invitation only, but if her campaign promises are any indication, she could stand beside Pro-Life heroes Matt Schaefer, Matt Rinaldi, Valoree Swanson, and the rest of the Freedom Caucus.

The Republican voters of HD 114 chose a staunchly Pro-Life, pro-family values, conservative candidate in Lisa Luby Ryan over the moderate Jason Villalba.  This will be a close race, and the Democrats will do everything they can to prevent a Pro-Life woman from being elected and advocating for tiny Texans in Austin.  Lisa needs all the support we can give her to ensure she is the next Representative for HD 114.

More 21 posts in Candidate Spotlight category
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