Watch: black pastors must take the lead against abortion

In Texas, African Americans make up 13 percent of the population, yet account for 25 percent of all abortions in the state. 

On the flip side, the community holds conservative views on abortion, attends church more than the average American, and readily mixes religion and politics, according to Pew Research Center.  Flip the coin again, and you’ll find that black voters overwhelmingly vote for political candidates who are pro-abortion.


State Representative James White, a Pro-Life, black conservative in the Texas House of Representatives, spoke to Texas Right to Life about these contradictions within the African American community.


“When you look at the disproportionate number of black babies…killed by abortion,” lamented Representative White, “obviously, it’s a failure in public policy, but it’s a failure within our communities, within our churches, among our black men.”


Representative White specifically challenged black pastors for not doing enough to stop the genocide in their communities.  “The civil rights movement started out of the church…so any kind of social, political, economic change within the black community will probably initiate from the church,” he said.


Representative White foresees change, but slowly, as the black community becomes more aware that the socially liberal policies of leaders like President Obama have not — and will not ever — benefit African Americans. 


“I think that all of us as Americans are proud that we have elected the first black president. But at some point you have to be truthful…about his impact on blacks.”


“African American voters, at a rate of 95 percent [in 2008]…participated in electing the first black president, but economically, socially, nothing has really changed for the betterment of black voters,” White emphasized. 


Representative White anticipates that once African Americans decide that “they can no longer be soiled by the pro-death, anti-God, anti-religion philosophy of the most outspoken Democrats and liberals,” the community will embrace Pro-Life political leaders.


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