Texas Right to Life reminds voters to protect tiny Texans from Wendy Davis
The Texas Right to Life Committee is proud to sponsor an ad, released this week, which will raise awareness of Wendy Davis' anti-Life stance across the state. The democratic gubernatorial candidate rose to fame by denying the right to Life of even pain-capable preborn children, and Texas Right to Life wants to make sure that every Texas voter is aware of her dangerous position before they gather at the polls next week.
Knowledge of the candidates' respective stances on Life is the most crucial piece of information that can be provided to Texas voters. And these stances are wildly opposed, with Davis advocating for abortion on-demand and without apology, and Abbott seeking to uphold the dignity of all Texans, regardless of their stage of development.
Like most Texans, Texas Right to Life holds that all Life, from conception to natural death, is valuable, and dignified. Because of these values, the right to Life of every human being must be protected and upheld, especially by the individuals we elect and invest with authority over important decisions. The power over Life and death is not something that we will ever entrust to a political candidate, and this is why we must ensure that this most important leadership office is held by an individual who would never take that power into his own hands.
Please share this powerful video with the voters you in your community.
Also, download and share the Official Texas Pro-Life Voter Guide, take it with you into the booth, and encourage your friends and family to vote for Life first.
Early voting ends on October 31. Election Day is November 4.
Tags: 2014 election, video, wendy davis