Obama considers Pro-Life candidates a threat, tries to rally pro-aborts
Late last night, Barack Obama sent a campaign email to his supporters warning them that the fight for his reelection will be tough, and that now is the time to rally behind him. The email highlighted several issues Obama says are his number one priority, and among those is the fear of his opponents’ pledge to “restrict a woman’s right to choose [abortion].”
Obama is struggling to regain his pro-abortion support after so many called him a disappointment to the pro-abortion community for refusing to sell Plan B — a potential abortifacient — over-the-counter to minor girls.
Obama is, without a doubt, the most pro-abortion president this nation has ever seen. That he feels threatened by any and all opposing candidates shows the Pro-Life community that Obama’s reign of bloodshed and war on the unborn may be ending.
All the candidates vying for the chance to oust Obama are infinitely more Pro-Life than our current president. Obama will do his hardest to prove himself to his pro-abortion gang, but will it be enough to defeat a Pro-Life nominee and a nation whose majority is Pro-Life?
Tags: barack obama, culture, media, planned parenthood