McKinney Planned Parenthood shuts down after residents pray for seven years

McKinney residents are more assured than ever that God does answer prayers.  After seven years praying and counseling outside of the McKinney Planned Parenthood, Pro-Life advocates were rewarded for their patience with the CLOSURE of the facility.

According to McKinney Health Center’s webpage, Monday was the last day of business for the abortion referral center.  The McKinney Planned Parenthood is merging with the Planned Parenthood’s Plano referral center, with both centers moving to one new location in Plano at 600 North Central Expressway.  This means that McKinney is now totally free of Planned Parenthood!  The current Plano location will shut down on May 27, before the new Planned Parenthood center in Plano opens at the end of the month.

The closure is a testimony to the Pro-Life movement’s powerful ability to cripple the anti-woman, anti-Life tactics of the abortion industry in Texas.  Although the closure of the center has been publicized by Planned Parenthood as a “relocation,” the fact that two referral centers are being merged – leaving McKinney completely without a Planned Parenthood – bespeaks a different reality: that the abortion industry is losing in Texas.

One of Planned Parenthood’s nauseating talking points is that the organization wants to help women all over Texas.  Yet, when profit suffers, Planned Parenthood is quick to skip town or set up shop in heavily populated, urban areas – even when those areas are already “serviced” by other, non-Planned-Parenthood abortion businesses.  Planned Parenthood is interested in easy money obtained with the least resistance.  The group even engages in exorbitant Texas Medicaid fraud to ensure cushy coffers at the expense of unknowing taxpayers.  This is how they ensure that employees receive half-million dollar salaries.

Meanwhile, the true nonprofits concerned for women and children, pregnancy resources centers, continue to cover the entire landscape of Texas– standing in stark contrast to Planned Parenthood’s selective localization.

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