Voters reject anti-Life Byron Cook’s re-election

During campaign and election cycles, many politicians say they are “Pro-Life,” “pro-Second Amendment,” and “pro-Liberty” in an effort to win the hearts of primary voters.

As the largest full-time Pro-Life lobbying team in Texas, Texas Right to Life is in a unique position to call bluff on those wolves in sheep’s clothing who are trying to use the lives of the most innocent to win elections.

The number one obstructionist to Pro-Life policies in the entire Texas Legislature is Representative Byron Cook, current chairman of the powerful House Committee on State Affairs.  Unfortunately, Cook plans to announce his re-election this Friday, Oct. 30th.

Texas Right to Life is not alone in shuddering at the thought of what another term of Cook's anti-Life power play will do to the preborn, the disabled, and the elderly in Texas.  In Cook’s home county of Navarro, activist Jackie King recently penned a letter asking for help in rallying against Cook's re-election efforts. Join us, Jackie, and concerned Texans in telling Byron Cook that since he has betrayed the Pro-Life movement for political games, his time in the Texas House of Representatives has come to a close.

Cook's re-election is not just an issue for Navarro County.  His re-election is a threat to many life-saving policies important to Texas voters across the state — which includes protecting innocent human Life.

Cook publicly advocated for keeping a loophole in Texas law that allows preborn children who may have a disability to be the victims of late abortions.  He personally penned and circulated a letter against Pro-Life efforts and legislation that would have protected these preborn children.  He used the power of his committee chairmanship to pull a bill out of an actual Pro-Life committee and into his own committee, killing the legislation that would have prevented our insurance premiums from funding abortions.

He even refused to hold a hearing on a Priority Pro-Life measure that would prevent hospitals from issuing Do-Not-Resuscitate orders without patient or family consent. 

Jackie will not stand alone.  Our entire office will be coming to heed the call in Corsicana – the lives of preborn babies, pregnant moms, and ailing patients demand nothing less.  Will you join us in standing with her?

When: Friday, October 30, 4:00 – 6:30 p.m.

Where: Meet at the The Remington in Corsicana

122 West 3rd Street

Corsicana, Texas 75110

Read Jackie’s letter below and let us know if you can make it:

A little more information:

There is free parking all around the building.  Sandwiches and drinks will be provided to all participants, so let us know if you’re coming.  Vans will transport participants from The Remington to the outskirts of the Corsicana Country Club where Cook’s kickoff will be held and will bring you back.

Dress accordingly: There is a 60% chance of rain.  Winds 20mph are expected and the temperature will be in the 70s. Bring umbrellas, rain coats, and rubber boots.


To the People of Texas and all Americans in the World, 

In these desperate times, I call upon you for your help.

Fellow citizens and compatriots – we the people of House District 8 are besieged by a state representative – Byron Cook – who openly disregards our wishes and our interests. Navarro County voters voted against a County Court-at-Law 73%. Cook traveled to Austin and set one up for our county anyway! Now it is growing in size and scope – a growing burden on our limited county budget.

Many of you know the bills Cook has authored and sponsored to promote the liberal agenda.  You are more than aware of the conservative bills he stifled in his State Affairs Committee and the Calendars Committee. You know how he trashed the Senate Ethics Bill so that Governor Abbott had to veto it for reasons of being unconstitutional.

Under the banner of being a conservative Republican, Cook has nonetheless pushed legislation to further degrade and destroy the two parent family, has pushed legislation to give government benefits to illegal aliens, has opposed restrictions designed to protect innocent life in the womb, and has worked to suppress our first amendment rights, as individuals, and as members of churches and local civic organizations.

On October 30, 2015 at 6:00 pm at the Corsicana Country Club, Byron Cook intends to rally his financial backers in support of his re-election as state representative. I intend to be there to express my opposition to his destructive leadership, and to say “Shame!” “Shame on those who support the further degradation of our great State of Texas" by Cook and his coalition!!!! In the fight to preserve our liberty as Texans and Americans, I shall never surrender or retreat.

I will stand there alone if need be. But this is a resistance to a man who threatens all of Texas – child, elderly, family, church, business, borders alike. I need you voters of HD8 and all other conservatives of Texas to stand with me!!

I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism & everything dear to the American character, to come to our aid, with all dispatch! Join us on October 30 at 6:30pm at the entrance to the Corsicana Country Club to resist Byron Cook’s re-election and any further attacks on our Texas liberties and values.

More detail to follow in the coming days.



Jackie King 

Navarro County Voter

House District 8

Sixth Generation Texan


 Political Advertising Paid for by Texas Right to Life Political Action Committee


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