Frequently Asked Questions about the Texas Right to Life PAC

One of the most effective ways Texas Right to Life advances the cause of Life is through driving Pro-life voters to the ballot box each Election Day.   Through Texas Right to Life’s extensive work during each legislative session in Austin, Texas Right to Life has unique insight into which legislators fight behind closed doors to save innocent lives, which legislators are lukewarm on the cause, and which legislators actually work behind the scenes to kill Pro-Life policies.  And each category mentioned above includes both Republicans and Democrats.

What exactly does the PAC do?

The ultimate objective of the PAC is to ensure strong Pro-Life leaders are elected to the Texas State House and Texas State Senate.  We accomplish this goal by:

  1. Searching for and recruiting viable candidates;

  2. Vetting announced candidates;  and

  3. Engaging voters on Pro-Life candidates through direct mail, social media, face-to-face contact, and the airwaves. 

How do you vet candidates?

When candidates reach out to Texas Right to Life seeking an endorsement, a twofold process begins.  Each candidate must first complete a questionnaire on policy issues, and, if successfully completed, the candidate is then invited to an in-person interview.   During the interview process, candidates are asked about and thoroughly discuss policy issues important to Texas Right to Life. 

Is the PAC only involved in state legislative races?

No.   While the vast majority of our advocacy centers on state legislative seats, we do become involved in judicial races at every level, city council races, and county commissioner races.

How can I obtain more information on the PAC?

Contact our office at 713-782-LIFE (5433) and ask for Sarah Crawford or Emily Kebodeaux!

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