CMP releases three new videos; second procurement agency in limelight

In the ninth video release from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), which was released in tandem with two full footage videos, leaders of tissue procurement agency Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc.,  (ABR) make disturbing admissions about their procurement and use of dead children, and a top Planned Parenthood abortionist affirms ABR’s longtime role in the industry.



ABR’s Procurement Manager Perrin Larton reveals that preborn children are often delivered intact during abortion rather than actually aborted, saying: …I literally have had women come in and they’ll go in the OR, and they’re back out in 3 minutes, and I’m going ‘What’s goin’ on?’ ‘Oh yeah, the fetus was already in the vaginal canal whenever we put her in the stirrups, it just fell out.’


As CMP director David Daleiden has noted, children are very likely alive when they are delivered intact because no instrument or chemical is used to kill them prior to delivery.  Intentionally delivering a live child during an abortion is a crime.


Katharine Sheehan, abortionist and longtime medical director at Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest, tells CMP undercover investigators that her abortion mill has been partnered with ABR for a decade: We have already a relationship with ABR.  We’ve been using them for over 10 years, really a long time, just kind of renegotiated the contract.  They’re doing the big collections for government-level collections and things like that.


Cate Dyer, CEO of rival tissue procurement company StemExpress, addressed ABR’s profit strategy at her lunch meeting with undercover CMP journalists and outed ABR as a very lucrative “nonprofit.”  In full footage of her dinner meeting with the CMP, Dyer notes that, although ABR’s presence is much less widespread than that of StemExpress, ABR executives were “funding places in Hawaii for themselves,” and purchasing expensive vehicles with their nonprofit “revenue.”  Dyer also divulges that ABR keeps tight-knit relationships with the abortion mills from which they harvest by having their own paid “advisors” sit on the boards of the abortion mills.


In what was perhaps the most overt expression of callousness from an ABR executive in yesterday’s footage, Perrin says that the abortionists not keeping her “interests” in mind while they are committing abortions – in other words, not altering the abortion procedure to ensure the extraction of intact “specimens” which she can sell – “pisses [her] off.”


“In the twisted world of baby parts trafficking from Planned Parenthood abortion clinics,” Daleiden said in a press release, “there are few unbroken rules.  After the serious admissions in Planned Parenthood’s letter to Congress last week, it is imperative for lawmakers and law enforcement to act decisively to determine the full extent of Planned Parenthood and their proxies’ lawbreaking, hold them accountable, and stop the taxpayer funding of these barbaric atrocities against humanity.”


Planned Parenthood and their partners in tissue harvesting must be stopped from committing these horrific injustices toward innocent human beings and pregnant women.  Continue to follow Texas Right to Life as we bring you updates on local and statewide investigations into the abortion giant and determine what we can do together to end this injustice.


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