Watch: CNN exalts filthy Texas abortion chain in news report

CNN called me to participate in a story entitled "40 Years of Roe."

Before I agreed to be the spokeswoman for our side, I asked who else would be interviewed for the story.  "Oh, we are interviewing and speaking to all kinds of people who are interested in this," the reporter told me.  While the seasoned health reporter may have spoken to all kinds of people, her story met the CNN standards of abortion propaganda.


Ms. Cohen, the senior health reporter for CNN, toured Whole Woman’s Health Center, an abortion clinic, and showcased the killing that occurs there and crossed the line when speaking with the CEO of the clinic, Amy Hagstrom-Miller.


The reporter offered sympathy for Hagstrom-Miller who now has to offer a sonogram to a pregnant woman before aborting the child within her womb.


Hagstrom-Miller told CNN that when women walk into one of her five abortion centers, her "main goal is to provide an oasis for her where she can feel safe, where she feels comfortable, where she can feel at peace."


Her centers, she said, provide "really good care for women."


Hagstrom-Miller’s statement is far from the truth!


Whole Woman’s Health centers have recently been fined over $83,000 by a Texas environmental agency for illegally dumping the remains of preborn babies and other "medical waste."


The abortion business has also been caught tossing patients' medical records, drug vials, and prescriptions into ordinary dumpsters.


And as abortion at this slaughterhouse was celebrated, the reporter neglected to report that two abortionists employed by Whole Woman’s Health were recently disciplined by the Texas Medical Board for violating standards of patient care.  Both abortionists have been ordered to pay thousands of dollars in fines.


And abortion-supporting news entities like CNN wonder why Texas Right to Life pursues regulations on clinics that would protect the health of women?


CNN and its ilk wonder why we led the efforts to take their funds away?


Women should feel anything but "safe" and "comfortable" when they walk into a Whole Woman’s Health abortion center in Texas.


Today marks the tragic 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade.  Texas Right to Life will continue to set the record straight about the harm these abortion centers cause to women and to Life now and long after CNN falls on the ash heap of biased, liberal media.


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