Rep. Jodie Laubenberg, Pro-Life Leaders Denounce Branch Campaign Misrepresentation

Rep. Jodie Laubenberg, Pro-Life Leaders Denounce Branch Campaign Misrepresentation

Leaders Set Record Straight: Branch Tried to Expand Third-Trimester Abortions in Texas

(McKinney, Texas) –  Rep. Jodie Laubenberg, Cathie Adams, and Elizabeth Graham, three of Texas' best known advocates for the unborn, agree that Dan Branch is misrepresenting his role in his 2005 amendment which was soundly defeated by conservatives.  According to these leaders and the public record, Branch worked to expand third-trimester abortions, not restrict them. 

Cathie Adams said, "As the leader of Texas Eagle Forum and a life-long advocate for the unborn, I am familiar with Representative Branch's amendment from 2005.   What the Branch campaign is claiming is simply false, as his amendment sought to expand third-trimester abortions, not restrict them.   Both the language of his amendment and the votes to successfully table his amendment prove as much. Additionally, the Branch amendment was defeated by virtually every Republican on the House floor that day while the Branch amendment was supported by most Democrats.  Dan Branch is attempting to rewrite history on this amendment, and that is inappropriate and offensive to those who have battled to protect the unborn for so many years. This episode underscores why most of the leaders of the pro-life movement in Texas oppose Dan Branch's effort to become Attorney General.”

Earlier this morning, Texas Right To Life Executive Director Elizabeth Graham said the following in an article on  "Had Branch’s amendment passed, abortions would be allowed in the third trimester if the child suffered ’impairment of a vital organ,' a judgment call that would have been made by the abortionist who makes a substantial profit off these late abortions… And what exactly was meant by 'impairment'—diminished function? Temporarily slowed function?  Function that could be improved or cured with treatment? The term was undefined, ambiguous at best, and left to the interpretation of the abortionist."

Rep. Jodie Laubenberg said, "As the author of the most sweeping pro-life legislation in a generation, I am acutely aware of the impact of the 2005 Branch amendment and his campaign is flatly misrepresenting what occurred.  The impact was to allow the termination of life in the third trimester for those who could potentially live productive lives. In 2005, existing legislation allowed for the termination of a fetus with severe brain damage, yet Mr. Branch sought to include vital organ impairment to allow for third trimester abortions.  I am highly offended that Rep. Branch is implying that his broadly-worded amendment is similar to HB 2, which was supported overwhelmingly by conservatives. His amendment was soundly defeated by Republicans while being backed largely by Democrats. Those results speak for themselves.”

The vote count on the Branch amendment supports Rep. Laubenberg and Mrs. Adams’ statements that, largely, Representative Branch's amendment was defeated by Republicans and supported by Democrats. The vote count is provided below:  

The motion to table prevailed by (Record 674): 83 Yeas, 55 Nays, 2 Present, not voting. 

Yeas — Allen, R.; Anderson; Baxter; Berman; Blake; Bohac; Bonnen; Brown, B.; Brown, F.; Callegari; Campbell; Chisum; Cook, R.; Corte; Crabb; Crownover; Davis, J.; Dawson; Delisi; Denny; Deshotel; Driver; Eiland; Eissler; Elkins; Escobar; Flynn; Frost; Goolsby; Griggs; Grusendorf; Haggerty; Hamilton; Harper-Brown; Hartnett; Hegar; Hilderbran; Hill; Homer; Hope; Hopson; Howard; Hughes; Hunter; Hupp; Isett; Jackson; Keel; Keffer, B.; Keffer, J.; King, P.; Kolkhorst; Krusee; Kuempel; Laubenberg; Madden; McCall; McReynolds; Miller; Morrison; Mowery; Nixon; Oliveira; Olivo; Orr; Otto; Paxton; Pen ̃a; Phillips; Quintanilla; Reyna; Riddle; Seaman; Smith, T.; Smith, W.; Smithee; Swinford; Talton; Taylor; Truitt; Van Arsdale; West; Zedler.

Nays — Allen, A.; Alonzo; Anchia; Bailey; Branch; Burnam; Casteel; Castro; Chavez; Cook, B.; Davis, Y.; Dukes; Edwards; Farabee; Flores; Gallego; Geren; Giddings; Gonzales; Gonzalez Toureilles; Goodman; Guillen; Hamric; Hardcastle; Herrero; Hochberg; Jones, D.; Jones, J.; King, T.; Laney; Leibowitz; Luna; Martinez; Martinez Fischer; McClendon; Menendez; Merritt; Moreno, P.; Naishtat; Noriega, M.; Pickett; Puente; Raymond; Rodriguez; Rose; Solomons; Strama; Straus; Turner; Uresti; Veasey; Villarreal; Vo; Wong; Woolley


Reprinted with permission from the Ken Paxton Campaign

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