Lawsuit filed shows abortion advocates accept defeat, seek to protect bottom-line


[September 27, 2013 – HOUSTON] Today, in an attempt to protect their bottom line, abortion advocates filed suit against portions of House Bill 2, the Pro-Life Omnibus Bill Governor Rick Perry signed into law July 18.

Planned Parenthood and other abortion advocates from across Texas are joined by the Center for Reproductive Rights and the American Civil Liberties Union in suing the state of Texas over the language that raises medical standards of abortion providers.

The lawsuit asked the federal district judge, Lee Yeakel, who has a history of a blocking Pro-Life legislation, to issue a preliminary injunction. The injunction would stop the state from implementing the provision that requires abortion doctors to acquire admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of every abortion center out of which they operate.  It also asked for an early ruling against the provision that requires doctors to be present during the administration of drugs during a chemical abortion.

While these abortion advocates seem to be aggressive in fighting this law, they in fact have already accepted a significant defeat: they decided not to challenge the biggest portion of HB 2, the Preborn Pain Section, which prohibits elective abortion after 20 weeks based on scientific evidence that these children feel excruciating pain during abortion.

After fighting so intensely against the Preborn Pain section, claiming it would have a devastating effect on Texas women, they left that portion of the law untouched.  They opted instead to challenge sections that will have a higher financial impact on the abortion industry.  This demonstrates that the abortion industry only cares about the profits it makes from abortion, not the women whom it falsely claims to care for and help.

"The lawsuit solidifies the historic nature of House Bill 2.  By leaving alone the Preborn Pain section of House Bill 2 and challenging the clinic regulations of the bill, the abortion industry is signaling some major losses when House Bill 2 is properly implemented.  The abortion crowd knows that they can't win arguments about killing babies who feel pain, but these extremists are desperate to keep playing fast and loose with women's health, resisting all increased health and safety standards required by House Bill 2.

Never before have Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and the Center for Reproductive Rights joined their anti-life forces in such an orchestrated manner, indicating that House Bill 2 will significantly impact the bottom line of the abortionists' blood money.  Texas Right to Life has full confidence in our Pro-Life Attorney General Greg Abbott, who has already announced his determination and commitment to defend this landmark law,” stated Elizabeth Graham, Director.

Attorney General Greg Abbott has already vowed to defend the legality of every section and application of the Pro-Life law to the highest court necessary.

This lawsuit is just another open assault on the protection of Texas women.  These provisions would hold the abortion industry accountable and would ensure the safety of women.  The abortion industry continues to demonstrate that it cares not about protecting women’s health, but, rather its bottom line.




Contact: Elizabeth Graham

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