Grisly Houston abortionist sued for malpractice

Last summer Pro-Life advocates flooded the Texas State Capitol to support measures that protect preborn Life, and they also rallied to support the women victimized by the abortion industry’s substandard conditions responsible for maiming and even killing pregnant women.  

After the atrocities committed by abortionist Kermit Gosnell were brought to light, Americans united and vowed to never allow such inhuman acts to continue.  Texas’ House Bill 2 was passed to help keep abortionists like Gosnell away from Texas women and their preborn children.

Shortly after, Houston abortion doctor Douglas Karpen was exposed for espousing the same predatory tactics and horrific slayings of Texas babies.  Yet county officials refused to investigate the allegations that Karpen killed infants born alive by twisting their necks.

Karpen, now being sued by former patient Melanie Mendoza, is in the news again.  Medoza filed suit against Karpen after he allegedly tore through her uterus during a late-term abortion and then released her without informing her she had been injured.

New reports now show that one of Karpen’s two abortion centers in Houston has not been inspected by the Department of State Health Services since 2010, despite the allegations levied against the abortion doctor.

Pro-Life activists were told that a full investigation would be performed to determine the validity of the accusations against Karpen.  Now it has been revealed that county and state officials ignored the severe and disturbing allegations and left Karpen’s clinics untouched by state inspectors’ hands.

When the one center was last inspected in 2010 numerous deficiencies were found, but disciplinary actions were not taken.  From the report:

Karpen’s registered nurse had no valid CPR certification.

• Two red biohazard boxes stored in a “dirty” utility closet were uncovered and “1/2 full of bloody supplies.”

• Bottles of anti-infection agents were stored on the floor on one “treatment room.”

• The clinic had no infection control policies.The report also stated, “There was a large splatter of blood on the top shelf of the tray.  Staff # 54 sprayed the area with a disinfectant solution and proceeded to wipe from the bloody area to the clean area, spreading blood all over the tray.”

Abortion proponents claim their beloved abortion industry is safe and helps women in need.  Yet, abortionists like Kermit Gosnell, Douglas Karpen, and Maryland’s grisly late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart are rarely prosecuted.  When they are investigated, they are usually only given slaps on the wrist.

Women and their preborn children do not deserve to be victimized by an industry that seeks to use them for monetary gain before casting them aside to be disposed of like trash.

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