Charlie Geren sought to restrict free speech February 2, 2016 Texas Right To Life Off NewsPro-Life Fraud Alert By Emily Kebodeaux Cook This article originally appeared on on March 26, 2015. HB...
Dishonorable mention: Planned Parenthood praises "Republican" state representative, J.D. Sheffield January 27, 2016 Sarah Crawford Off NewsPro-Life Fraud AlertTexas Right To Recall in 2015 when a Texas “Republican” stood on the floor of the Texas House...
Flashback Friday: More attacks on Texans’ Free Speech January 15, 2016 Texas Right To Life Off Pro-Life Fraud AlertTexas Right To This article originally ran on Monday, April 20, 2015. While this piece of legislation did...
Raney among rogue Republicans who voted to fund embryo-destroying research January 13, 2016 Texas Right To Life Off NewsPro-Life Fraud AlertTexas Right To The Pro-Life movement recognizes that all innocent human Life, from the moment of fertilization until...
What happened to Debbie Riddle and Byron Cook: A look into the Dishonorable Mentions List (Part 1) January 11, 2016 Texas Right To Life Off NewsPro-Life Fraud AlertTexas Right To In addition to releasing the Pro-Life Scorecard, Texas Right to Life has also made public...
Houston’s anti-Life "Republican" Sarah Davis January 9, 2016 Texas Right To Life Off NewsPro-Life Fraud AlertTexas Right To In a state in which the majority of citizens believe in the sanctity of Life,...